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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. I finished Bioshock: Infinite, and there was nothing else to play at that moment in time.
  2. This one is still one of my favorites.
  3. lupin_bebop


    I don't mind your decision, really. I'll just say this: Exposure doesn't pay your rent or bills. Also, as a model (be it adult or otherwise), your mug and likeness are what pay your bills, because taking pictures is what you do to that end. Being in the book and on the book are two different things, in this instance. I'm not saying be greedy, I'm just saying know your worth and use it. Also, as someone who works with photographers (since I'm a DJ who does parties and weddings), I know you're valuing the partnership, and I get it. Just remember that when your image gets associated with the book and where that can lead, positive or negative.
  4. Don't blame you there.
  5. Yeah......about that.
  6. Well, yep. It's because they were bought by Verizon, and Verizon has a traditionally traditional stance on pretty much everything.
  7. Well, yeah. When I was FINALLY able to get into it long enough to look into the code, you broke the character limit that Lithium could successfully handle, so technically, yes, YOU broke it.
  8. lupin_bebop


    Congrats. Make that money. I'd say this calls for a toast. Royalties FTW.
  9. Yeah......probably be that way forever, too.
  10. Here, I got banned literally mid-reply to a post, but couldn't make it to the ban screen because it wouldn't load.
  11. And another.....from here, I was PMed and asked to stop breaking the boards on purpose.
  12. Another one I broke the Internet.
  13. Always loved this one.
  14. No.....I'm talking a MASS amount of smileys. I found out how many it took to fuck up Lithium servers and wreck Internet. Like.....a LOT of smileys....like......breaking Odin's Internet a lot
  15. This was from one of my times breaking mod Internet.
  16. One of my favorites....also, one of the most ticky tack ones. Like.....you could BARELY see tip. You had to ZOOM WAAAAAAY in to see it. I was pissed. Here is the motivator in question:
  17. No, not really. Then again, I'm also a little more permissive than most people.
  18. ...........What fucking flavor of bullshit is this?
  19. I had this happen once. I just wait until the old one expires (or the bank finally stops that card from being used), then change it. I get to play a fun game of "Did I Make That Charge?"
  20. $400 for a fucking POWER BILL? AND THE FUCK DID YOU NOT MURDER?!? Seriously, I'm pissed the fuck off if mine is above $90. Mine is barely out of $70+ range on an average month.
  21. I could make that shit last. You'd be surprised how well you can live off of $20.
  22. Shitpost time.
  23. You realize that...........you know what? Fuck it. Yes. You're too old.
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