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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Sorry to hear about your loss. I’m sure you and your brother are taking it pretty hard man. I’m always down for a game of HotS or anything on PSN if you need to play and get your mind off stuff.
  2. Yeah. The pictures on that thing look fake as fuck, too.
  3. It was a while back, but this place called Grub Burger Bar. The ground beef and brisket blend is HEAVENLY, they can put bacon on EVERYTHING, and they have pretty good cheese fries, when made correctly. They also make everything fresh, including their buns, which is awesome.
  4. .............What the actual fuck?
  5. K
  6. Okay. Good luck. Hopefully, it’ll prove fruitful and worthy.
  7. Nope......but...I DID take the RC P-90 out for a spin, along with the Railgun.
  8. I have to ask, and I am asking this as someone who knows you and wants you to have nice things: You're not going to fuck it up this time, are you?
  9. Opioids in Immodium are being used to get high. Since it's an OTC, they are fucking it up for people who actually need it.
  10. [youtube autoplay=1]
  11. ............What?
  12. ...............0 Better than stilgar, though.
  13. -1 Try harder, you uncreative chicken.
  14. Nice. Wish I could go.
  15. Yeah...........
  16. I......I......LGL.....I....I've got nothing.
  17. Yes. Getting punched in the boob hurts. It sucks.
  18. Yes. That's all the show is. It's not about the competitions or the judges, it's about the characters.
  19. Yeah.....there's better pizza....in a lot of places...
  20. So......basically, you understand RuPaul's Drag Race. Good job.
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