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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You know......they DO have anti-piracy measures in there. You could just....download the game from Steam.
  2. Not really. It’s just like a shoot, only you’re in a chair, not moving, with voices in your head. You just have to bang out lines with the direction given. Not too hard. Nerve racking? Yes. Disastrous. Probably not.
  3. If you’re booked already, then headphones (and your ears) are your biggest thing. Because direction and echo in the headphones, silly. Being able to hear producers, directors, and yourself is important.
  4. I like EIN. EIN is cute.
  5. Battletoads. Fallout 4 System Shock 2 FarCry 2 Final Fantasy X-2 Quest 64 Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Just Cause 2 Call of Duty: Ghosts Call of Duty: Infinite Warefare Battlefield 1 Titanfall 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Burnout Paradise LA Noire
  6. Hah. Fail.
  7. Unlike you, she has actual talent and potential. Good for her.
  8. Deep breath. You’ll be fine. It’s just an audition. You should be more worried about hearing yourself talk in headphones than actually talking.
  9. Nope. Shaming doesn’t work. Neither does humanizing. Especially if that person is conservative or Republican. The Roght doesn’t see us as humans. We are objects. If you are not rich, White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant or the like, you don’t exist. Period.
  10. Yeah. Philip DeFranco is very moderate. Which is part of the reason I keep getting news results from him. Looking into stories, I look at 3 lenses: Daily Show for left-leaning view Philip DeFranco for moderate and fact based Fox News to get the view points from people who are NOT living on this planet.
  11. You’re not wrong.
  12. No. You can just shut the fuck up now.
  13. I hate it. Rain sucks balls. When I grew up, rain meant "no more fun".
  14. Not a fan of Tim Poole. He make too many generalizations, and demonizations from too little evidence. He also doesn't really take input at all. He's not as objective as you think. His "objective" is via the "white man's objective" lens, instead of a real objective lens. I prefer a Philip DeFranco over him, because he has conversations with his audience. He give you what he thinks, and gives evidence to prove his point, and responds to his followers in kind, actually giving them a chance to respond (at least on his website outside of YouTube). He has also been known to retract statements he's made in light of evidence against him. I consider him more objective than most YouTube news/reporting channels out there.
  15. Because he's up and coming. I say the same thing about Richard Cox and Clark Duke.
  16. https://giphy.com/gifs/A2k2MtO2Jvcdi
  17. K
  18. Yeah. I was wondering what the Hell he was talking about. He rage quit, saying “This is featured? Nope. Getting rid of it.”
  19. Nothing that concerns middle aged, unwed skank mothers.
  20. Aren’t you part Italian? Why don’t you have a family recipe for ziti?
  21. He was not embarrassed. He rage quit because everyone was saying the same thing to him, and it wasn’t congruent with his world view.
  22. Awww.....he got butthurt that we were trying to help him get laid and rage quit.
  23. For a week
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