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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You’ll have to remember that one. I’m the bus driver.
  2. Hmmm. It’s like those who had only business ties to him are speaking up, while those who had personal ties are oddly quiet. i know I’ve seen this pattern somewhere before….it was with another case….a recent one.
  3. Since I have both a Sam’s Club and Costco memberships, I can make my OWN sub sandwiches. I don’t need subway
  4. Yes. But they were chasing those profit falls…..AKA children.
  5. Or……OR….they could just go back to the $5 footlongs that we were used to.
  6. I’ve got something for you: : , ! ( - ) ; “ & ” ? \ _ / . They are called “punctuation marks,” and you need to use them. They are free. Making me think I’m on Wheel of Fortune or some shit while reading that bullshit. Thinking: “Can a motherfucker buy a fucking period, my dude?”
  7. Philip deFranco said it best: ”You don’t get to billionaire status by being a decent human being. It comes off the back of people beneath you. No matter who you are.”
  8. I just need them released…..it’ll be the biggest musical tantric money shot in history.
  9. ……….They have people for that.
  10. RIP another icon Frankie Beverly is gone, too
  11. Hit me pretty hard. He was a good chunk of my movie childhood. I also remember him in Tiberian Sun as GDI Commander James Solomon
  12. I-………. Need a minute.
  13. Doesn’t Germany try to deflect everyone away from that point in time with their history? Oh wait….its happening RIGHT NOW
  14. That really sucks. I guess it was bursting at the seams containing all the Internet for you.
  15. Nah. I don’t need them. I prefer not to have any, so people stop asking for them. That way, when I DO decide on the super rare occasion I decide to make an adventure to the vault and grab a spare one once every few presidencies or so, it’s seen as an absolute delight and gift from the golden gates of Xerxes.
  16. Too bad….34 Felonies Man won’t be holding rallies here.
  17. A historic nearly 55-year run. Hell of a feather to put in their cap. It’s unfortunate Steven Tyler didn’t get his vocal chops back. I would say it is fortunate that they are hanging the mic up. He’s 76, and a legendary musician. No need to take all the tours out on his body. He still goes out a legend.
  18. Well, then they'll find out.
  19. We DID get a definite answer from him. Google is your friend.
  20. ..........The fuck are you on about?
  21. I figured this would happen. The thing they could get him on was negligent homicide. Even then, it was going to be a flimsy case. There IS a difference between criminal charges and civil charges here. Baldwin's civil charges might stick, on account of maybe...MAYBE not maintaining safe workplace standards as a producer. Even then, it's a stretch that things would be concrete. Given all the moving parts (and the fact that the Props and Effects Departments that control them) here, I could possibly see one or some of the crew being held responsible, but that's partially due to money being a factor. Even if it wasn't, they would have to be the ones you'd be pointing the finger at. I DO understand the impulse to pin Baldwin for it, but it wasn't going to work from the jump, in my opinion.
  22. Man...2024 needs to chill TF out. Too many badass people in this year.
  23. Shopping cart, basket, or cart. In Miami, I’ve heard it referred to as a “Methhead Mobile Home”
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