Waaaah! Look at me!! WAAHH!! No one notices poor me! Fights isn’t getting any attention today! I’m gonna act like you now!
Yet, you post the same fucking bullshit everyday. Same shit, different day. Yes, go ahead and lash out. It really endears you to everyone. It doesn’t make you an insufferable fucking cretin of a person.
Not to mention, you set black women back a good 60 years with your shit.
Why does it bother you so much? Sensitive beta heart? Studies show people who curse are more trustworthy, honest, and stronger than others.
So, in summation: Fuck you, shut the fuck up, and stay the fuck on topic, beta mind.
Yes. Seriously. It paved the way for a new, exciting expansion of the universe and story. I got to watch LUKE MOTHERFUCKING SKYWALKER be a total badass. I got to see PRINCESS FUCKING LEIA be badass. That movie was everything I wanted out of a Star Wars movie. It was even devoid of George Lucas bullshit.
It was an amazing movie. Episode 1, 2, and 3 were AWFUL.