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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You know......there are plenty of places you can get big boy money at around there. Why not try it?
  2. lupin_bebop


    Fuck, I miss that oddly funny bastard.
  3. So......every time I piss, it smells like shit?
  4. Fucking lightweight. *shaking head*
  5. I'm sorry, I stopped giving a fuck about what you were saying right about there. I was too busy gleefully not giving a fuck about what you think about me, munching on a fucking BOSS ass cheddar and BBQ sauce grilled burger I made. I don't need your validation. Sorry, only a beta male gives a shit about what you think of them.......man, I got bored of that statement before I even got halfway through making it.
  6. Whatever that empty peanut of a brain keeps telling you.
  7. Quit your bitching. ”Waaaah! They blocked me because I’m a shitty human being. Waaah! People don’t like me! Make it stop, daddy!!” No. shut the fuck up, grow a set, get a couple 2-by-4s, lay them down to build a bridge, and get the fuck over it. Stop being a fucking pansy. I know bottles of Listerine with better personalities and bigger balls than you. Do humanity a favor: Drink some lead based paint, eat some watermelon, and drink a LOT of whiskey, and retard yourself out of existence.
  8. Depends, I guess. Mostly for the LULZ?
  9. Congrats, but enjoy sleep and junk. Why be at this place?
  10. SHE has to order it. Bartenders will not do it for a male. They’ll only do it for women because of the ingredients involved. It’s fruity, so you should stay away from it.
  11. Keep telling yourself that, motherfucker.
  12. Yep. Beta male passage right there.
  13. If that’s true.....then.....does that mean....she found de wae?
  14. Den you know de wae......
  15. I see.......maybe....delete for spam?
  16. Really? I don’t remember this.
  17. I got 3 of them.
  18. Yes. PLEASE take a break. From there, and from life.
  19. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    @blueraven1999 Here’s mine. 3EAC4F9B-2CB9-45A8-B34F-EFAF537F6C8A.png
  20. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Weakness knowledge will be your best friend. When I started playing, that’s how I was able to topple gyms quickly. It’s a great way to make a lot of headway quickly and level quickly, especially using Lucky Eggs. Look at the battle simulator, because you can see that you get LESS energy to do heavy attacks if you dodge (except enemy heavy attacks). It’s a delicate dance between taking damage, dodging, and attacking.
  21. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

  22. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Wow......it's a wonder you beat a Pokemon at all. Not that you can't, but with only a 1751 3rd Gen Pokemon as your strongest......you may get fucked pretty hard if someone REALLY decided to troll and place a Chansey, Blissey, Snorlax, or Dragonite near you. Check out this website to check for IVs and junk, also, it has a pretty accurate (within 5%, which is amazing) battle simulator where you can calculate chance of you winning given and opponent.
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