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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Of course it won't. You have to know English, first.
  2. Bring chick. Have good time. Get banged after. Call it a day.
  3. Zenigundam's existence?
  4. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    This looks really promising with no chances of possible abuse ever. Edit: I see that they are using stardust as currency for trades. That leave me very little incentive to really RAISE Pokemon, mostly because I could trade for a stronger one and get candy in return.
  5. Yep. I love good movies. Worth it.
  6. Right now? About to see Incredibles 2.
  7. Eating here
  8. I’m excited for Kingdom Hearts 3. I’m ALL ABOUT that shit. I ALREADY have my preorder paid off. My legs, arms, tongue, hair, pubic hair, and EVERYTHING is wrapped around this game. Period. I’m also excited to see the Resident Evil 2 remake. It’s everything I’ve been looking for in that game and a modern remake with current technology makes sense. This was also the game that really put this franchise on the map in terms of horror and narrative gameplay in the USA. I’m also excited to see Super Smash Ultimate. The face they are being back all of the fighters in the entire game that have ever been in makes me happy. I’m a Roy/Ike/Captain Falcon main, and seeing old favorites back is a breath of fresh air. I bad-mouthed the Nintendo Switch, and Nintendo made me eat my words, because now, I HAVE to buy one in order to play Smash. I just hope it can play at 60 FPS, otherwise, that “console” is useless to me.
  9. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I work for mine too. I just have a job, so I can’t do it when THEY want me to. They should do more of these later in the day and middle of night, when I do as my best work.
  10. HAHAHAHAHA! I just realized your icon is Jennifer Garner in Zoolander during the "Love to Love You Baby" scene.
  11. I mean.....you're forgetting about one of THE coolest characters ever.....
  12. Actually, no. I am telling the truth. No need to be overly confident. I worked with Navy SEALs, intelligence operatives, and CIA black bag operatives. They literally killed and destabilized for a living. Cybersecurity has its perks, which is why I said good luck. You'd be gone before you thought about it, because they don't deal with bullshit.
  13. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    The Safari Zone event is also part of that.
  14. Hahaha. A little. I'm actually telling the truth, though.
  15. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I really hope you step on a Lego.
  16. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

  17. Nope. That's not how that works. You'd be fired, out of my office, and out of the building before you got a chance to speak up.. Good luck attempting a swing. I work with some guys who killed people for a living, and they are not to be trifled with. Joys of having a government clearance.
  18. I do better than you. Hence why I can keep one around me, and you can't. Check and mate.
  19. Had to walk to get there.
  20. Yep. You'd be gone before the week's end.
  21. You know.....one foot in front of the other in succession for locomotion? Humans do it all the time. Fuck, you did it a little bit ago to the fridge and to your chair and couch.
  22. Where he is....they mostly walk a lot. Uber and Lyft may not the best fits.
  23. Like THIS.
  24. Nope. You can keep your sticks. I'll take the ones who have actual body structure and curvature. Enjoy your child bodies, cradle robber.
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