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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/inhuman_rampagah
  2. .............Dammit that was good......you deserve this one.....
  3. Vaginal canal: Still infected and disease ridden.
  4. Yeah. A world without fuckheads.....like you.
  5. Steel boning in a corset is not usually what I'd recommend. I'd usually recommend whale boning or an alternative. It's more flexible, and allows more give.
  6. You want to feel older? Matthew Perry is damn near 50. He's 49 today.
  7. I hit their manners with a brick. It’s fun.
  8. I hate it mostly because it fucks with my though processor (my brain) for a few hours. I NEED my brain. I can’t be in class, on a job, or behind tables and fuck shit up. In class, I’d fail that assignment because, well, because advanced calculus theory does NOT proof into “ducky bark Pikachu titties” (an actual note I wrote in a margin once while coming down off of anesthesia once). Can’t on tables, because DJs should smoothly transition. Can’t do it on a job, because people fucking die or get fired.
  9. I’m already in it, so.......
  10. lupin_bebop


    Unfortunately, yes
  11. I remember a time I went to my dentist. I had to go in during a school day to get some teeth pulled (because I had extras in my mouth, which caused stacking). She knew that I hated being knocked out (because anesthesia fucks with my brain for a bit, and I fucking HATE that), and she knew my mom and dad didn’t want me to miss school, either (they scheduled the visit during lunch hour). I had to get 4 teeth pulled, and had 65 minutes to do it. Her solution? A REALLY good local anesthetic, some pullers (basically dental pliers), and some elbow grease. I’ll never forget it, because her hygienist had a look of equal parts shock, horror, and amesument while watching. After, she gave me some Powerade, a Moon Pie, and my teeth in a small bag, and sent me back to school.
  12. lupin_bebop


    I hate to agree with the emotional lesbian here, but he’s right. Didn’t you say you’d never come back? Also, didn’t we ALL call you on the bullshit that was that statement?
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