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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. I miss my old dentist. She was a badass, and her hygienist didn’t abuse the shit out of my mouth.
  2. Mine? A world without any fuckheads in it. Yes, including you.
  4. Sorry.....I've been out of fucks to give for well over 20 years.
  5. SIGH. You can't GENETICALLY test for Bipolarism in kids. Dumbass.
  6. ...........So......you want special treatment now that you've fucked yourself? Nope.....not going to happen.
  7. This lesson ends: "How to get/give an STD" by fuggs
  8. "Crazy RIch Asians" is......too narrow-minded and cliched. Sigh.
  9. YA'LL motherfuckers.........
  10. My I suggest either The Art of Intrusion, by Kevin Mitnick? Or Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking by Christopher Hadnagy? I used to have a job in cyber security, so these are from guys who've been in the industry. Also, even if you aren't in the industry, they are interesting reads, overall. Because, they delve into the human element of our society and some other fun things about rule-breaking, in general.
  11. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I’m in the middle of a Pikachu/Eevee dump. Because I have literally like 75+ of EACH.
  12. .............So.....Basically.....you're using this as research?
  13. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

  14. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Yep. Chikorita is confirmed for next month’s Community Day. Just popped the announcement for me.
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