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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. cyberbully


    Most drug addicts that can't see their problem can't
  2. What if they are in the armor when you put it on.....rekt
  3. cyberbully


    oh, guess you did know wdh..... wdh
  4. cyberbully


    Nowhere near as hard as you....I was the one asking did you get banned for shit you did in DF....As always, I was your only advocate, but keep being tepid and useless....You'll fuck yourself and it'll be funny for the 1000th time.
  5. cyberbully


    You're right...It's nonsense....None of you are BoS apparently. Might as well just let you shaftnommers post imo
  6. cyberbully


    Oh wow...but these threads can stay.....I gotta agree with this losers on one thing....Moderation here is backwards af.
  7. this thread is better than I anticipated. still bottom rung, but better none the less.
  8. He also go a role in the new Rick James Biopic
  9. Your thread frequency leads me to believe you're close.....Because that how we gauge crazy here.
  10. This is actually what i did when my eye finally grazed across it....I was like "I have like 40 little bottles of alcohol with little lanyards on them that i got for the kids for school" and ran that.
  11. This was a game of chicken. Everything he does at this point in the fight 1shots you, and he had just a smidge of life left.....I gained some distance and decided just to go full Shinobi on him.....Then i got lucky af.....Normally, he would go for the charge, which is hard to dodge because as you see, he takes the whole bridge and ain't nothing other the sides but death.....So I was just hoping for some hit box luck.....Also, he is known to start flying and there is no telling what he's gonna do then....Burn the bridge, stomp you, hover and stall so you switch to arrows and just bite you during the frame.....But no, this dumb fuck went for the straight forward fire breath......Literally the easiest shit to get away from and heal, buff, or just haul ass.
  12. Souls games rely on you being too scared to fight back....That's why everything is huge and makes a lot of fucking noise while being ugly as shit. The only way to ever know when to fight, run or defend is to get in there....Avoiding the fight just psyches you out.
  13. I now know TWO things about Seight.
  14. Hasn't left me my rupees.... don't wanna roll the dice yet.
  16. Tell'em about your good friend, Buddyroe
  17. Look, I've seen men and women take horse dick....if they can take a dick, they should be able to take the hit.... I want to say that's an old addage, but I'm sure I'll not find too much on the inte......brb.
  18. Maybe when fighting other horses....but VS humans.....They are mostly undefeated 1v1
  19. Taint at worst....pretty benign but you might have a dingleberry I don't see yet.
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