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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. It's been one thing after another with this house recently..
  2. Fuck man now you got me scared my fridge is gonna go out. 🙃
  3. I know that now that I've been looking into water heaters but that information doesn't do me much good now lol. Noooooo my wallet! 😔
  4. I never drained mine either, but it was supposedly new when I bought the house 7 years ago..
  5. and died.. I didn't realize the life expectancy of one is only around 8 years. This company is estimating replacing it bringing a $1100 price tag.
  6. It's just on budlight cans anyway isn't it? The kind of people crying over woke shit are usually the same people saying light beers for pussies. Even though the alcohol percentage is the same. I guess country music hillbillies are the ones trying to make edgy statements? This democratic page has been dogging Kid Rock all over my facebook since he apperantly posted a video shooting the new cans or something.. IDK I'm not doing research into this because it's about as dumb as the M&M thing. They also had a meme saying Kid Rock will be removing all his music from the 99 cent bin of the thrift store or some shit, but that ones too far for me to scroll back to.
  7. More info on the OP. A more scientific term is 'brinicles' https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/la4009703 '
  8. Rain is awesome for sleep. Growing up with severe thunderstorms as a frequent though the gentle pitter patter of mild rain doesnt work for me. I need to hear the wind, feel the thunder, and see the lightning. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Happens here a lot to. The winds didn't bless you I guess....
  10. I mean I kind of like Canada, I have a lot of online friends there at least and some of them are closer to me than irl friends at times.. I still don't think Ghostrek's in any way ready to try living in Canada however lol. 🤣
  11. Severe thunder storms are my favorite weather phenomon where I'm at. I think the fucking cold fronts going from 70-80 degrees in spring... 100+ in summer to like below 50 is the best part though. I usually end up running out into them for a bit because I can't help it. Send storms plz.
  12. Ok Ghostrek. Good luck in your Canadian endeavors then...
  13. I've never been a fan of NIN. I get they've whethered the ages kind of but nothing ever stood out on my radar. LP had their reign I think however it's just hard for me to compare their genre and end sound to NIN's to begin with. LP without Chester is sad to pretty much eveyone that ever was a big fan of LP so I don't actively jam them anymore unless a track/rework/remix pops on a radio station and hits me some type of way..
  14. Hi Mochi.
  15. Something irks me about Linkin Park being put next to NIN, but maybe I'm overeacting. Also without chester bennington, and with contemporary Mike Shonata... MEhhh. Wish I could say I still like the jams, but IDK.
  16. Do you even know the process you have to go through to get one?
  17. Border patrol gon kill you.
  18. There's no handcuffs, no fingerprints no mugshot.. All I asked for was a mugshot dammit. Damn secret service... Well from what I heard it's pressure from thhe secret service keeping him from the standard processing protocall because 'they can't have anybody touch the former president'. I'm already bummed and I probably have a lot of catching up to do..
  19. I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, so.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/04/trump-charges-34-counts-felony/
  20. I've been keeping up with all of his cases... I read...what I said I read, but still meh.
  21. For..falsifying NY commercial documents I gather.... Why not put that on the thumbnail well let's see...Seems weak as F. (That's my hot take after reading just a few paragraghs of your articlle though standby... )This thing anyway. https://www.manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/
  22. They...were a bit too adamant though, and I was like what happened to your last players if you looking... /joke but is ty[pcal DND humor from what I gather. 🤷‍♂️
  23. It really shouldn't be so easy to derail threads, but it seems common nature here. Talk to me about DND. Let's sell it to outsiders...Lol man even in my military days seemed like all the cool kids know what's up.... Several military DND peeps always grilled meto join...lol I had even NCO's etc like.. Idk maybe I should look into this dnd crap...
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