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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned
Yeah that thing really didn't stand a chance against any kind of whale fucking with it... A few dolphins probably could've punted that one in a diff. direction but the point is still that only Orcas seem to responsible for the kind of "whale encounters" that I'm talking about... I posted videos of freaking decade veteran sailors shitting themselves with just one Orca fucking with them. *shakes finger*
Damn.. I did it the whole time, and I guess no one cared enough to ban me. Must be nice to belong. 😆
Cool, but if your part of the crew I aint getting on that boat lol. I aint getting on a boat with anyone involved with the video either. It's very likely they had a contingency plan if that dumb ass yaht sank... If you have to have a contingency plan for some "playful" sea animals you better re-evualute a lot of things is all I'm saying. I might be a land-loving dude that's never sailed, but one of the sergeants while I was in wanted me to first mate his shit. A lot of shit translates from aviation to nautical, but..... FAT NOPE BRUH///
I mean anything they do can be considered playful that's why Seaworld jacked them in the first place. *face palms* You know what I'm up to see more Orca Vs.human death either way though lol. There are a lot of researchers that try to give them wide birth. With that post you seem like one of the reseachers that was on this fragile ass vessel though lol.
The poetic justice for me comes from multiple reasons... First off let me start with the fisherman vs. Orca battle going on around spain... The vid in the OP explains that the Orca there ARE doing battle with humans, and they are either redirecting boats away from their hunting grounds then breaking the rudder or sinking the vessel altogether...That population that is eating rudders around Spain is critically endangered and also fighting large scale fishing operations for their main source of food. That entire population only consists of 80 whales, and is critically endangered though. The second point, and what hits me most though comes from watching the 'Blackfish' documentary on prime vid...Sea world type organizations apparently jacked a whole number of Orca children, Cordoned off the parents/rest of the pod and also reeled in filled with heavy metal and sank any adult orca corpses that fought to stop the operation. That one named Tilicom or whatever that killed 3 people was used as a genetic male sire to most captive sea entertainment Orcas you'll find anywhere. Shit is pretty crazy...
Hmm time for an animal fight Orca vs. Great White... I'm almost typsy so cheers......This guy, and his accent. Let's see if this vid. lives up to it's description. uggh fuck this guy I guess I'll post the vid for posterity, but what even is this accent..idk sorry. Nope fuck that guy, and his video. Here's the OG's at National Geographic with the delivery I guess..
lol rules.
Pretty sure it was one dude getting banned for it mainly lol.
Thought so. barkeep get this guy some trash can punch on my tab! **scoots across the floor like a dog rubbing it's butt on the carpet up to the SF2 set up and spectates the match**
**Rides empty mug of trash can punch over to The_annoying_one** I dunno are we? 0_o
Touche barkeep. I knew I tasted a hint of death there. **finishes chugging trash can punch**
** guzzles trash can punch** **eyes other patrons shiftily thinking this can't be the house best**
Those thongs must be made out of recycled black licorice. 88 cents a piece?
*acivates stupid walking perk* **bursts through the bar door max speed doing a knees over head hand stand** **trips over nothing into a tumbleweed roll right into a bar chair** house best please!
Yes, but with even scientist agreeing it's a learned behavior even if it's just a juvenile show for clout like a teenager stealing a road sign or no skateboarding sign.. When that trophy is a boat rudder lol... I'm pretty sure they know they're disabling boats, and the theories about them keeping people off their hunting grounds, and striking back against humans killing or kidnapping their young seems equally plausible to me..,even more likely. If this was just a case of some juvenile whales playing rough I don't think there would be so many cases of boats being spun 180 degrees whith a whale homed in and targeting the rudder lol.. I'm on the whales side anyway especially as a land lover here I don't see myself ever even being on any type of vehicle traversing the sea where this could happen, but at any rate it's awesome to see so many people caught up in the battle, or game..if you're some disney fuck Sea World loving...that not only give Orcas a wide birth, but agree that even if they were attacking their boats they have plenty reason to exhibit the behavior..
I need to watch Southpark more... but I honestly lost a lot of interest in it after like age 11...There is an arguable context to this joke as japanese fisherman/whalers really do reel in an skewer a lot of shit most other nations are trying to keep off the table and protect. I definitely aint mad bro, but if you wont do it allow me to go off on this anecdote.. https://phys.org/news/2019-06-decades-japan-courts-controversy-resuming.html
Also in the spirit of being a fountain of knowledge or whatever.. I think I found an interesting way to take this thread. Wild Cetacions working together with humans in large scale fishing operations... Surprisingly it's not unheard of, and it's even tradition for both species to work together in some areas. https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/history-culture/2012/10/edens-killer-whales-helping-human-hunters/#:~:text=Killer whales help whalers hunt their targets&text=Once a whale was dead,1929 orcas were rarely seen.
You made a whole account for the joke? Not going to judge I guess, but Japanese whalers tend to go for less tactically adept species than Orca anyway. Dolhpins Minke and Bryde whales. Orcas have the killer monicker for a reason. The Orca is one of a lot of animals that don't have much to fear for spiritual reasons etc as I understand. Like this samurai crab.