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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. We learn something new every day. I didn't want to learn this, though.
  2. Get a drone, then you can follow her around everywhere. I'm sure she'd love that.
  3. I was around for it. I got my fair share of it, too. Both at school and at home. Of course, I needed it, 'cause I was a little hellion.
  4. Or, you could just take your frustrations out on your penis, like you normally do.
  5. So he's gonna have kids that fuck each other, basically. Ya know, incest is best, and, the closer kin, the deeper in. Shit like that. Dammit all to hell, Zeni, what's wrong with you?
  6. People throw around the phrase "Timeless Classics" a lot, but here, it actually does fit.
  7. That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title. Damn, I'm old.
  8. I was 20 when I lost mine. The girl's father was passed out drunk in the next room. I was paranoid as fuck, but I didn't let it stop me. Hell, she wouldn't have let me stop, anyway.
  9. "Interstate Love Song" by Stone Temple Pilots
  10. Oh, yeah. That's always the vibe I've gotten from it, too.
  11. This works for me.
  12. Anybody have a good remedy? Anybody want to give me a massage?
  13. Yeah, put me in the same category as the shoot first, ask questions later crowd. I'm not too worried about anyone finding out, since I live in a wetland area, with a river nearby, and various sinkholes scattered about.
  14. Can you fly, Bobby? Clarence, no!
  15. If not that, maybe this... ...since that seems to fit his attitude on life.
  16. Clarence Boddicker's gonna pay you a little visit.
  17. Nah, they wouldn't let him ride inside, so they tied him to the hood with bungee straps.
  18. Yeah, he let you out of your cage. Damn you, Bob Morton!
  19. What I hate is trying to pick back up where I dropped off... only to fall asleep again, then wake back up, try again, fall back asleep, etc., etc. I end up reading the same passage three or four times before giving up.
  20. Damn. RIP
  21. Take a flask with you, then you can take a swig or two when no one is looking. Keep your buzz going longer that way.
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