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Order of the Lobster
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Everything posted by Vercaties

  1. Sammiches are legit why I bust my ass everyday at work. Rocket league is like a huge ass game of soccer but instead of people theres demolishin derby cars loaded up with Nitro
  2. I would also like for this to be a thing.
  3. Are you fucking drunk? Tell me what you are smoking in that pipe of yours?
  4. Most collections are DVD for anime unless it's brand new (who like new anime? Pshhh) or extremely popular. I just got all of the SGC2C seasons on DVD and could not be happier!!! For cheap too!
  5. Dead ass dawg! Show up in your best pair of dress timbs. You'll get it fo $hure!
  6. Another beautiful hot Florida day, aside from that, gotta work later wich is horrible. Will probably play Rocket League and eat sandwiches until I gotta go.
  7. Cow ribs are super dope. It's like nature combined my two favorite foods into one,steaks and ribs. Naw that with a side of Chinese diabetes noodles and I am good for life. Oh yeah, I can't forget to to mention that you gotta wash it all down with a carton of real ass ornage juice with extra pulp!
  8. Do you want to cry fap? Cause that's how you cry fap!
  9. I'll tell daddy Trump on you. We'll build a cyber wall to keep you digital immigrants out of our American cyber space. #MakeAdultswimGreatAgain
  10. As some one who gets all his intimate needs met from his local titty bar, I probably shouldn't be giving advice lol.
  11. Gotta delete all you porn and unsave your bookmarks. Also to make this work you gotta at least have sex once a month or you'll explode. It's just science yo.
  12. Naw swipe to the next hoe. Internet dating is over rated anyway. You're much better off going to some social space, bring a wingman if you have to, and offer to buy a drink or dance with some thots. It's an exciting time to be alive.
  13. I firmly believe that the internet is solely made up of government spies and dark web hackers.
  14. I have not had anything good to fap to in a while. This makes me moist.
  15. Are there any nude beaches in your area? Or nude events will do. anything nude will guarantee get you not single, I promise. pinky promise!
  16. I don't feel like I have truly had a memorable experience unless I stir the ice with my GIGANTIC dong, but hey that's just me.
  17. My most successful pick up line, no joke, was "Hey what's the difference between jam and jelly? I can't jelly my dick in your ass!". Your welcome you fucking pesants. ???
  18. Doesn't matter as long as you use tons of butter and deep fry it. Bone Apple Teeth!?
  19. Diamond Nips? Interesting concept for a manga. I must jump on this immediately!!
  20. Cocaine's a hell of a drug
  21. If it's a man, put the moves on him. He will give you the job for sure. Now if it's a lady, still put the moves on her. You can't go wrong.
  22. Yeah the healthcare industry is a good way to stay employed and it puts food on the table,but my heart is really in going back to school for computer programming. I just couldn't see myself working with patients for the rest of my life.
  23. Trouble is an aphrodisiac for most people. So don't tempt me with a good time.
  24. How much for some earwax? I'm totally definitely asking for a friend. I do stupid health insurance stuff btw.
  25. Sounds like a poor trade off. You should upgrade to Hennessy and apple juice like a real pro.
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