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Everything posted by Leon

  1. You're not ready for Heathcliff. The limits of humanity are not built to withstand Heathcliff. You can only lose yourself in that abyss.
  2. This is a word of warning to anyone who will listen: Never so much as look at the Heathcliff newspaper comic strip. It's a gateway to the abyss that only serves to drive you mad. If you should happen to see one, for your own sake do not try to comprehend the strip.
  3. Are you going to put it up your butt? Or your urethra?
  4. Taz and Marvin the Martian are pretty cool.
  5. Hey, it's not funny to make fun of the works of a dead man.
  6. The president of what?
  7. Leon


    What could you possibly miss about South Dakota?
  8. Leon


    East coast is Least Coast, everyone knows that.
  9. Has anyone ever put it up their butt?
  10. You do know that Generation Z is like, 12 years old and under, right? Generation Y or Millennials is everyone older than that who is too young to be a Gen Xer.
  11. If you're trying to get girls then you're doing it wrong. They should just naturally be drawn to you. Or that's how it always worked for me.
  12. From what I understand, Sega of Japan and Sega of America acted as if they were two different companies. Sega of America wanted to build around the Genesis and that's why the Genesis had so many add-ons. Sega of Japan wanted to make a new console and that's where the Saturn came from. You can see how this would be counter productive. Things didn't get settled until a few years after the Saturn and they were able to push out the Dreamcast. The problem was that they were in pretty bad shape and they didn't just need the Dreamcast to be competitive, they needed it to decisively win the console war the way the PS2 did.
  13. Yeah, it's called having a meaningful love life.
  14. Are you getting your ideas from old episodes of Married With Children?
  15. Sega was destroyed by mismanagement and trying to push too many things at once. The Sega CD/32X/Saturn is what killed Sega, not the Dreamcast losing to the PS2. They needed the Dreamcast to be the PS2 just to survive but it was their prior mistakes that put them in the position of needing a miracle console to save them. Nintendo isn't in that bad of a position yet but I can see them getting there if the Switch fails.
  16. Do you often put condoms on things you put in your mouth?
  17. What a classy piece of shit you are.
  18. The joke is that they're song lyrics.
  19. You're dead?
  20. Roger Goodell isn't important or independent enough to hate. His job is to execute the will of the owners and shield them from criticism. Even if he got fired they'd just have some other anonymous suit come out and play the exact same role since that's pretty much the job description. That said, I don't really care who wins.
  21. That sounds like bullshit. Also, chokers are hot, dude.
  22. Would you be upset if your daughter eventually identifies as a man?
  23. What's wrong with chokers?
  24. Fixed.
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