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Everything posted by Leon

  1. I was friends with an alcoholic who mostly preferred wine.
  2. The GTS is ass-garbage. Why couldn't it be Wonder Trade?
  3. Just start sucking dick right now because that's about as gay as liking futa.
  4. I am, as always, just having fun. If that's not a positive vibe, that's more your problem than mine.
  5. Raiders to Las Vegas is starting to fall apart.
  6. Are you flirting with her? Because there's no way that doesn't sexually arouse her.
  7. Granny chaser. What was it...the older the berry the sweet the juice? You're sick.
  8. I think you should take a nap to start with. We can't do anything if you get cranky.
  9. I'm pretty sure he's a toddler, mochi. And I will be treating him as such. So stop scaring the children, mochi.
  10. In that case, just control yourself and stay away, mochi. I mean, you're not wrong but we don't need to be freaking this kid out. Try to have a little composure and try not to spread hysteria.
  11. mochi, don't fucking scare him.
  12. You're a good boy, ghostrek. No matter what, they can't take that away from you.
  13. You're catering to the mentally handicapped SAO fans?
  14. That now makes it sound like you're excited.
  15. I'm pretty sure men wouldn't date you either.
  16. I don't see any nipples here.
  17. I think they lie to you because they instinctively know that if they gave you the right address, they could never feel safe in their own home again.
  18. I hate Jed York so much.
  19. I'm surprised anyone even remembers that piece of shit.
  20. Is that what love is? Oh, I knew this was about family. This is almost never an issue unless it's about family. And with family it's always the hardest to sort out how you really feel because they've always been there since you were born, telling you that you love them. And when I was saying that I have no problem leaving people hanging when they try to get me to say it, I was mostly talking about my family. In relationships it never really comes up for me because I just won't get involved until a certain threshold of caring is crossed. With family they just expect me to love them for no reason and that's when it becomes an issue.
  21. A little of that, mostly because you were rambling but also because I knew what you were going to say. Going back and reading it, I was right. The other part of it, that you may or may not have picked up on, is that if you actually loved them then saying it to them is such a small and insignificant gesture that it can't possibly be burdensome. If you aren't on that level with them, then do you really love them at all? Or is it just a thing you say and treat as fact without really examining it. There's no reason to say it back just because you feel obligated. I would never do that and I have no qualms about leaving someone hanging on an "I love you"
  22. If you don't love someone, you can just not say it back, man. You're the only one making you feel bad about this.
  23. Would that really be such a bad thing?
  24. Just strategically pop out of your top whenever there's an awkward silence.
  25. Do you even have income to tax?
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