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Everything posted by Leon

  1. Gardevoir.
  2. Why? They didn't mention anything about taking baths instead of showers.
  3. I really hope for his sake that she's just a beard. Because if he actually is straight and in a relationship with her, that's just so bad. He can do so much better. That goes for if he's gay or straight. Olivia Munn is just bottom barrel trash.
  4. Aaron never could keep his hands off the boys.
  5. The Packers have sucked for the last five years. They're only relevant because Aaron Rodgers happens to be the greatest gay quarterback of all time and can win 10 games a season all on his own. It's a shame he's never going to get any help because he makes the team look so much better than it is.
  6. Or anyone else's.
  7. You can just say your butthole. I mean, I can believe that you've been the object of a lot of old, desperate gay guys' affection. I'm willing to throw you that bone, at least.
  8. Where are you getting your information because I keep a pretty close eye on NFL news and I've heard nothing like this.
  9. Did you try getting drunk?
  10. That's pretty fucked up.
  11. Did you tell the guy that?
  12. Unless he legit, no joke, has some form of autism, he should have gotten lucky with some chick at least once.
  13. Well, I'll say this. Based on what I can see, those headphones aren't the biggest mistake you've made in that picture.
  14. Well, you did just make me regret my words, so bravo. I guess I still have some sentimental attachment to what I used to think America was.
  15. I mean, he's not a politician either and I can easily see you going crazy enough to kill people to be mayor. Honestly, I don't really care about domestic issues in the Philippines. We just need to put our boot to his throat then occupy the country to maintain our regional stronghold.
  16. If you want to scare him off memes, give him a live goatse showing and ask him if it's dank enough for him.
  17. Salty about what? That my manga got cancelled and I had to shit out an unsatisfying ending? Oh wait, that was Kubo.
  18. So what you're saying is that you're going to grow up to be Duterte?
  19. Wait, are you threatening to murder your family or not?
  20. I heard Bleach has a drink now. You should try it.
  21. I mean, what do you really lose by jumping onto the Giants bandwagon at this point?
  22. I don't know, that landscape is pretty depressing.
  23. None of us were angels before we read this thread.
  24. When was there ever a place for Babbling?
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