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Everything posted by Leon

  1. I guess you're the expert on hefty asses. But I'll let you know when you need to get checked.
  2. I'm not entirely sure what goes into a man having no toughness. But I will continue to study you and hopefully we'll find some answers.
  3. As you can clearly see, no it isn't.
  4. Weren't you the guy preying on Generation Z? I think that was you.
  5. Suspension never made sense to me. Punish the kid by giving them more free time?
  6. I'm pretty sure those places have strict requirements specifically to prevent that sort of thing. Or at least, I hope to god that they do. Jesus christ.
  7. Not that I agree with your assessment of yourself but your body is trash, how are you going to make up that difference?
  8. You're going to put your hands down there?
  9. That's not why but sure.
  10. This is stupid for a lot of reasons. Herpes is one of them.
  11. That's our Zeni. Wistfully yearning for the time when members of the opposite sex were forced into close proximity with him.
  12. Then you should've given her a show if she wouldn't let you have privacy with your porn.
  13. I thought you hated cross dressers. Fap is the onomatopoeia for male masturbation. Schlick is the female equivalent.
  14. Are you from the 50's? Porn wasn't even that hard to find back in the 90's.
  15. Really stretching that reference thin instead of being funny.
  16. I haven't even seen you respond to her without her explicitly calling you out. Damn, thirsty bitches.
  17. They seem to be mutually exclusive so I don't see how one person can answer that question.
  18. Insomnia usually does the job for me.
  19. I heard Baltimore is hell on Earth, so you might want to avoid it.
  20. Don't steal my thread topics, asshole.
  21. Nah. I'll never be fucked up enough to poison my brain like that.
  22. You keep your fridge stocked with rotting garbage?
  23. Samantha Bee would be mai waifu if she wasn't old and ugly. I know that's fucked up.
  24. FFX, FFXII and FFXV are all good. FFIII and FFVII are both garbage. Once again Zeni has the wrong opinion.
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