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Everything posted by bigdick

  1. idk but I feel like animal crossing wouldnt have made half its sales if it werent for this quarantine
  2. america is so funny
  3. fuck this guy he should be paying ME for all the island improvements i been doing
  4. 🥳🥳🥳
  5. bigdick


    I'm so sorry, all of this is so scary. The most you can do is stay as safe as you can, you and your mom both, and make sure others know you love them. Don't underestimate the power of a scarf over a mask (depending on how close you get to people) and no guests, not even each other [unless you guys live together ofc]. Hopefully your coworker pulls through. It does look like it takes people down to a 100 from 0 real quick. We've seen it ourselves. One day the patient is up and moving, then the next 3 - they're ventilated or coding. If it helps, there really is no defining pattern to who lives or who dies. Although, inadvertently, that can make things scarier too.. but you have my support. Don't lose your inner strength. Focus on doing right. We can't help losing those we love, but we can try to stay diligent for ourselves and for others. I hope your mom makes sure she is staying safe and is being careful too. We had a covid (+) patient get sent home 3 weeks post observation, elderly, never so much as exhibited a symptom. Lung cancer original diagnosis, on chemo. The pattern we know of is still very flawed. Nothing is a death sentence, although those you'd never think would die, do succumb. It's fucking weird. Just stay safe man
  6. idk what state youre in but I know in ny you can get stuff like that repaired almost anywhere or check ebay
  7. is this really a trend? not a fan .. there's endless amounts of great ps1 games to pick up if people are simply craving the look. I kinda prefer the aesthetically pleasing scenes at this point if there's no loss in making them
  8. dunno if this will be helpful, but since life's gotten busy, I started preferring lighter MMOs like Don't Starve Together or 7 Days to Die. They don't require as big a commitment and aren't very elder scrolls/wowish. They focus on survival, crafting, and building. Before this, Citadel was pretty fun, and might be more like what you're looking for. It got old for me though maybe my tastes have changed with the adjustment. But Path of Exile is an amazing game and it's free to play (though I only played it the year it first came out - can't vouch on how things are now) and I hear good things on Astellia but don't want it to drain my life away so haven't tried
  9. that sounds brutal yet oddly satisfying 🐽
  10. fuk working out
  11. I thought Your Name was fantastic but Weathering With You I really didn't enjoy much at all.. unpopular opinion but I'm mad cause I only went to see it because of Your Name's success and figured it would be the next best thing, and I even dragged my 2 none-anime liking friends too 🤦‍♀️ big oops Although the message of it was pretty good I guess
  12. Sounds as pretty as it is annoying fog + hair = enemies
  13. w-wait, but yours is.... v-viper is that you? what have you done to scoobs
  14. no but hearing his name makes me want to vomit, so something else might come out
  15. I can only hope that one day a man would propose to me exactly like this ^
  16. wait do people think I'm viper lmfao DEAD
  17. I think if you go in not knowing what to expect, your experience will be a better one
  18. Comcast..... run, greeny. Run.
  19. People say it's overhyped, but I realllly enjoyed Bird Box the other day.
  20. nani
  21. Giving you my own experience to help you make your decision: I grew up on PS (mostly JRPG's & some racing/fighting games) and transitioned into PC gaming (still RPGs, but now I've mostly been playing mobas for the last 9 years). I was gifted a PS4 with games for my birthday 2? years ago, and they were games I reaaaally wanted to play too!! that weren't on Steam and everything. Although I was mega excited to play them, and it's still the best birthday present I've ever received, I honestly only ran it for like 2 hours max before putting it down, and I haven't picked it back up since. FF15 got me nauseous (I get motion sickness, always need to turn off motion blur ), Uncharted got me bored, and I just had no interest of waiting through an installation for all the other games I really wanted to check out, even though I knew I'd enjoy them a shit ton. I ended up falling back into my old "boot up the PC and play" routine cause it's honestly just so much easier and more fun, since I grew accustomed to the communication breaks b/w gaming sessions with online friends that happen to be around (steam chat, discord, whatever). Even with the TV resting on my gaming desk by my monitors, it's just >_> not the same... It also felt pretty unnatural gaming from anything other than my chair+keyboard+mouse combo, making it harder to get immersed in and really feeling the time pass by, which, to me, is pretty damn guilt inducing. HUGE nono for relaxing "ignorance is bliss" game time x_x For online gaming, imo PC does do mobas best and any popular online game that a console will have, your PC will have them too, and you'd probably get it first on release. Plus, if you're playing FPS games, controllers do diminish the accuracy of fire which is something you might not like very much, having made the switch so late. (I am saying all this somehow assuming you're a PC gamer too ) This is just me though. I think it's awesome to have but might not be worth the money if you there's something else out there you would want to buy, so I wouldn't suggest buying either of those (IF you're so used to PC gaming yourself). If I were to pick one though, then ofc I'd still go with the PS4 cause shit is awesome and you don't have to worry about getting used to a new controller. Especially since you grew up on it as well, you'll notice just how nicely it fits into your hands and it's a bit nostalgic in a way<3
  22. Oh, you know, just dicking around
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