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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Oooooo, then I will probably need to give it a go
  2. Seems you two have had some beef with each other before But maybe I’m wrong
  3. Fuck that. Yeah when you can, leave ASAP Ive disowned family members as well. Family are people who love and appreciate you. Not just blood
  4. They seem like a new crowd in general. It’s kind of hard to say. But my opinion is “eh” lol
  5. I know how it is living in an environment you don’t like. If you can, leave at the earliest convenience
  6. This ^^^^^^ Nothing really to worry on at all
  7. Vacation time dude
  8. They’re workboots honestly. Quite a few knee highs
  9. I got some work boots that go knee high here actually I get a small percentage of commission but it can add up on busier days
  10. Just sales and clients. Wanna Buy some boots?
  11. My thoughts exactly. And I got pretty hyped when he said “they don’t give junk dogs tombstones” at the end. I really want to see episode 2 bad. For just boxing, this anime is pretty cool. I like the characters and the body gear used for boxing too. Nice mixup
  12. Do it
  13. You know what curiosity does to people!
  14. Lemme grab your melons
  15. Relieving I’m sure
  16. Go to work
  17. Go swimming
  18. Screw all that. It's MY seat the minute I sit in it. We are all human. So they can all find their own seat. I'd only move if the zombie was hostile
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