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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. I’m saving a lot of these
  2. What origin does that even come from?
  3. Bette be careful. These guys mean business
  4. I first saw that and was like, “GAH!”
  5. Balloon revolution!
  6. Caffeine. Food. Youtube. Weed
  7. Most I feel like I’ll have to lurk through this thread after a couple hours and then decide on one
  8. Girl pup yes. Now I'm torn between names
  9. Yeah, I just finished 13 as well. It's nice to get some of 002's backstory in. I'm enjoying this series
  10. Stella.... stellaaaa..... isn't that a name in some anime. My mind is drawing a blank and idk why
  11. Same, and its so colorful. I like that one haha
  12. I'm always bad with names. She's looking at me and I'm just like, "Idk what the hell to call you yet, hold on."
  13. You still got 3 hours to feel important for today lad
  14. Names please
  15. ~snorts cocaine~ Y-you're right. I hate it
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