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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. A lot of people have disappeared. Even I only pop up ever few months now it seems
  2. Anywhere is a date if the feelings are there 😉
  3. I've known a lot of people get into car wrecks lately. Strange
  4. Because anything is more interesting to watch than Football. Also, puppies
  5. Wigs work wonders, but for others. I've never worn a wig in my life And yeah, get those handles away from me >~>
  6. Just poke your head over the stall and see whats happening. Let me know how that goes
  7. Remember. Wigs are amazing
  8. Just a Pansexual Vampire, at ya service
  9. Can't argue with that
  10. And the shit costs way too much like wtf
  11. I mean, its not Monday so thats cool
  12. I envy women who can just be slutty and bam, got tons of money. It's a lot harder for men
  13. I love that scene
  14. Wonderful movie
  15. Niiiiiice. Interesting. I shall keep you updated
  16. 9/10 But is there a dick with that? Then 10/10
  17. Yeeeeep. Majority of people are like that. I'm currently in Savannah, GA. But depending on how things go, I could possibly either be in either AL or GA. I'll know after this weekend. (I got a lot of crap going on in life too). However, if I do remain in GA, SC isn't too far from me. I haven't had a chance to meet a user from the ASMB or here yet. Same thing I guess
  18. Oh HAHA Yeah, I understand. I was in Alabama at that time anyways. Idk where you live but I doubt it was close at all. But at that time, I'm sure we would have accepted you
  19. My ex used to like threesomes. As long as it was one time and then we never contacted you again
  20. Yeah it can be really rough. Where are you roughly located at? I've had a lot of people want to just have sex. But a true relationship in this era seems harder to find as the days go on. Idk why
  21. That guy is just going to hurt you even if you go back to him again. I've been there. You end up loving someone but they don't want to date or they never planned on dating YOU in the first place. It can be a hassle and rough emotionally. I understand that though. Just see what you can do if you have any interests in someone. Your lucky you can handle loneliness though. I cant handle it well
  22. 12 years is a loooong time holy crap. And well, that is entirely up to the individual. I myself can't handle loneliness well at all. I have to be constantly doing something or drinking to handle being alone. But if you are the type that can handle it better, then its not a bad thing at all. But also, if you can manage to find someone worth being in a relationship with, give it your best shot
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