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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. It is. I've been around there a few times. Williams St NW in Atlanta. Pretty close to the TBS and TNT companies as well. Neat places
  2. It's so beautiful
  3. That's the start
  4. Idk but I love this so much
  5. Guess it's better than Georgia
  6. Very much noted
  7. Strange world out there
  8. If you wanna have fun, do like I do on the weekends
  9. Ah man, that's it. You gotta get to some good shit
  10. I'm back in a Sales rep position now, but wow. Surprised I even remembered that
  11. Thats how it usually is. Not sick for forever. Get sick one time and its like the damn plague
  12. As long as they don't smell like sewer (Like some people I know), I think you'll be alright
  13. I haven't been to that folder since the original ASMB was up
  14. You brought that out of the foggiest part of my memory
  15. Thank yooouuuuu
  16. I'll do it. I don't even care
  17. I'm always here, one way or the other
  18. My fetish list is like, never ending. Only thing I wont do is piss/shit really
  19. I expect that at this point
  20. Yes, sire
  21. Ay personal favorites? One of mine is Norther
  22. Desktop mode for me. So cant say
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