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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Violet Evergarden - Episode 7
  2. I liked this episode a lot. I felt so sad for 002
  3. You seem to enjoy this game quite a lot
  4. Gotta freshen up first
  5. Raid the fridge
  6. Man, I'm glad you thought of such a perfect name
  7. Awesome. Great romance/slice of life anime
  8. Play it. I loved that water temple. Tbh the water temple I disliked the most was in Twilight Princess
  9. Nope. It's not. But it gets me thinking about it a lot
  10. You're going to force me to watch even more hentai than I already do
  11. You got the propane baby?
  12. That Toradora? I liked that anime. If I'm guessing correctly
  13. I probably will
  14. I cri tears of joyous blood
  15. Some food better than none amirite
  16. This thread has me like
  17. Aaaaah, interesting
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