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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. And that's just it, he wasn't very upfront about things, and I don't it was right for him make me feel guilty for anything. BTW Robinson is one of my favorites..its one of the more intense songs to play on Bass. Bathory is great to, really shows our diversity.
  2. I mean, whatever floats your Spaghetti.
  3. That pretty much the same thing I said to him. Communications have to improve and it's that's so wrong to say I might as well kick rocks. Not that it matters because that's pretty much the case anyway since he said he pretty much considers this hiatus to be long term if not permanent. It's bullshit, I know.
  4. So my band went on hiatus about 3 weeks ago and I thought it seemed rather strange considering we were on a roll with our music. (might be Tl:dr for some so before you type that, fuck off, I know!) The first thing I did when noticed we missed a practice was text the band leader (singer, guitarist, chief songwriter) and ask what's was going on. When he didn't respond, I asked my drummer if he knew what was going on and he told me that the band was on a long term break. He also asked if I got any messages from the band leader, I of course didn't, drummer wasn't pleased about this. So I tried contacting band leader a couple more times and got nothing. So I go on Facebook (because that's what people use to get a lot of info about our scene) and let the majority of our audience (about 30 people lol) know that the band was on break and to like and share our stuff. A couple days later I get an angry phone call from my singer saying to "Take down the update of our band being on hiatus", of course I obliged but not without asking him what the hell was going on. He couldn't tell me squat because he was at work - I eventually changed the message to say "I don't know what the fresh FUCK is going on with my band" and rightfully so. Later on my drummer shares some texts with me ''explaining'' why the band was on hiatus, it still didn't go into any detail why so I figured it was just my singer going through some kind of depression. I didn't share anything else about the band really, only thing that said I was going to focus on my own music until the time came for me to get back into the fold. Today my singer made me feel like a total asshole for even having the audacity to share anything related to 99 Guns without consulting them about it first - I've shared recordings that I've mixed, show dates, and my positive experiences. I thought it seemed kinda fucked that he would stew in his misery and wait for a convenient time for him to voist this on me when he couldn't bother to tell me that he had a problem with it before. He also finally explained what was going on but worst of all made it sound like it was a bad thing for asking how he was doing. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with this person?! So I pretty much told him how I felt about what he said with as little hostility as I could muster, and I don't think anything good is going to come of it despite any amount of effort to prevent bad news but whatever..fuck it. Oh, by the way, I know he probably not going to like it but LIKE AND SHARE 99 GUNS on FB, AND SOUNDCLOUD! https://www.facebook.com/99guns/ You're welcome, you fucking dick!
  5. It's odd. I haven't had to pee in a cup for a routine physical since I was a little kid. I guess it depends on the doctor?
  6. @Poof Next time I do that I'll ask for your recommendation I think. lol
  7. It actually was the live show thing. I spend well over 20 bucks on this one model, who was very pretty, but she seemed very out of it and not very much into what she was doing. Kinda like just going through the motions. I guess I got what I wanted out of it but I just felt very blah about it. I also tried a free trial to this one site that gave me access to like 3 more. None of them were that spectacular, but at least I didn't waste as much money on those as I did the live show thing.
  8. I've been barking up that tree for years now, shes just not down for it.
  9. Crazy enough to post in this thread, I guess.
  10. I thought it would fill a void (he he..giggity) that I somehow thought was missing from normal everyday fap sessions. Turns out, you just feel as empty as your nutsack and your wallet. I think the only way I'd ever give money to porn sites is if I knew someone that worked in the industry among professionals that can really do it right...and I do mean 'DO' it right; which I hope that person realizes where I'm coming from with that (ha ha...don't :|) Otherwise, honestly I'll stick to my significant other and free sites until the death of net neutrality destroys the opportunity to fap where I please. Inb4anunrelentingwaveofindifference
  11. Balls through the wall, man.
  12. This guy is jelly
  13. So full you can give birth to a live pig?...That would probably be me.
  14. Skeet Skeet Skeet
  15. I bet your candy tastes sweet
  16. I'm a Mark named Skid.
  17. Nah, that shit is TOTALLY Leprosy bro! Do you even science? Gawd wut a tard lololololololololololol
  18. It makes excellent pancake batter.
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