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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. Assholes wearing balls...fruit bowls!
  2. If anyone didn't enjoy that show in some way when they were little I doubt the validity of their soul.
  3. I mean, yeah he did base his show off of his neighborhood and it looks exactly like the Pittsburgh area.
  4. I avoided seeing psychologists and mental doctors for years because of how badly I was screwed with in adolescence. I say if you know how to cover your ass and explain yourself clearly, you should be fine. It's worth not suffering with dark shit in your mind, at least for the most part in my case.
  5. Something about that old school Luna Noa.
  6. I have dark chocolate coming out of my butt. I'd call that an exclamation point!
  7. Mood suppressor I take. https://www.rxlist.com/trileptal-drug.htm
  8. I'm not bipolar at all though. I'm an aspie with a short burning fuse, and possible PTSD.
  9. The ironic thing about my knowledge of Mr. Rodgers is that he originally broadcasted out of the local PBS station where I currently live now. I guess that would explain why WQED is one of the best PBS stations I ever watched.
  10. I'm on these new pills to treat anxiety and depression and for the most part they work like I'd want them to, not making me tired or killing my libido. For some reason though like 4 or 5 hours after I take them I get all moody and ragey. it's probably a adverse side effect to this other stuff I take that's a mood suppressor (but can also treat seizures come to find out). Maybe I should fap/fuck furiously until I pass out or something? I dunno. I know you're all doctors and shit so you'll probably know what's best.
  11. I prefer the actual flavor...absolutely zero substitutes.
  12. This was pretty much Penis, especially for the 80's.
  13. @Rogue_Alphonse @Naraku4656
  14. Are you bored..because I'm the chairman of the board!
  15. Hice mi pollo marica mi perra culo
  16. I've become so nuuuuuuumb!!!!
  17. Believe me, I know.
  18. Food poisoning...at least that would be more temporary for me...
  19. Words are overrated. Non verbal cues are where it's at.
  20. I've hung out with you. You're fine.
  21. I guess that would depend on what makes you throw up the least?
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