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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. [youtube autoplay=1]youtube.com/watch?v=SYMeuq9pwKQ&t=109s
  2. Just like this.
  3. Dude swings. ::spin::
  4. Rocket Shits
  5. ♪You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you♪
  6. You'll only get what you want to get and be random when you want to be and anybody else that doesn't fit your ideal profile is completely singled out as a result. Believe me, I get it. I've been dealing with that ever since I joined the boards about 10 years ago I'm used to it.
  7. Besides the pirating movies thing...I'd say I'm not too far off.
  8. There's doesn't need to be...it's the boards...so...random shit...wooooooooooooo!!!!! ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin::
  9. Well to be honest I don't really know, besides meeting Rogue and a bunch of other people I would later consider to be friends. I guess I'd try to be myself, but, most of the time, if I wasn't repeating what other people said I was either ignored or considered a troll.
  10. If avoiding toxic shit is a malfunction I don't want to work right. ::spin::
  11. I ain't looking at that shit, are you kidding me?
  12. I dum my numb cum
  13. Gimmie 03 - 08 [as] any time.
  14. No I will not fuck you Sonic. Take this :poop: and your stank ass elsewhere
  15. 8=========D~~~~~~~
  16. How about blood negative
  17. I am yet to watch it but its on my DVR waiting for me.
  18. I'm listening to Radiohead right now.
  19. I only wish that I may gain the gift of second sight through my trials and tribulations living an enlightened existence and my energy continues to live on in the 3rd person moments from my existence manipulating the outcome. Also, Neurosis is amazing. Thanks for posting that link. I need to start listening to them again.
  20. Think happy thoughts. :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:
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