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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. NeurocideVibekillah


    I got a new avatar...some people might find it offensive
  2. my eyes!! -_'
  3. How about I blow my ass all over your face? :poop:
  4. Rogue_Alphonse[/member] said something interesting to me tonight, "with as much as you make jokes about shit I'm surprised you don't have a fetish". Well I guess I just happen to think shit or shit related jokes are funny. I don't know what it is but I guess I just haven't grown out of finding fecal matter funny. I could juxtapose shit against any normal everyday activity and situation and the results are usually painful or uncomfortable for those involved. Is that not a rule of comedy by default? :poop:
  5. I guess that show really BOMBED, eh?
  6. A black guy fucking your mom in the ass?
  7. small crowd maybe 5 or 6
  8. I'm leading the pack as a mod tonight, no car talk, and no drunk chat. Just trolling, video game, and music talk privates. https://tinychat.com/roguealphonse :fap: notwelcome
  9. Enter here ----> http://tinyurl.com/jw8zeco you're pw notwelcome
  10. But I already ate.
  11. Stuff her in the ham sandwich.
  12. I'm gonna talk real fast then poke in your ass, Amanda!
  13. Only if you say "Let me take you home tonight"
  14. I start with Foreplay then after that I can go for a Long time
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