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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. That it triggers a psychotic response when you hear the music in the game? Yeah...
  2. Well they can't so it's all just a moot point to me, but for the sake of argument if they could do everything better I'd want my soul transfered into a robot body. Although, that would present its own set of moral dilemmas like that of the plot to Galaxy Express 999.
  3. Broad generalizations don't look good on you.
  4. I don't care what other generations will think, I'll lead by example in my own little circle because it's all I can do. The value of being human is that we can learn from our mistakes and not feel as though we are lesser for it, despite what the overwhelming consensus of ignorant motherfuckers has to say about it. Without the ability for any one to gain enlightenment through introspection would be a grave loss to mankind. Others who can will be able to teach others the value of introspection without having to learn things the hard way in certain cases or just assume that everyone is out for themselves and the entire world is an amalgamation of narcissists existing within their own bubbles; which is by no means a healthy thing. I'd rather be the odd man out if others strictly believe that to be the case with everyone as opposed to a ruling class that has polluted the collective conscious of others. I'll fight to the death for my beliefs against that and if I have kids I only hope they'd feel the same way.
  5. I'll continue to be human, even when the robot like hive mind over takes the complacent population.
  6. Well now I know what people are talking about when they say you aren't liked.
  7. Nah, I'm not upset I'm just thinking a lot. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. I think about negative shit all the time. lol
  8. You can always put a straw on my right cheek and suck even more ass.
  9. Worst postcard ever.
  10. Guy Mann Dude
  11. Candy comes out of shotgun barrels when you put them to your mouth as well. lol
  12. *probably completely off the rails * I look at this thread and I can't help but feel reminded of the people who make millions of dollars off of writing indiscriminate bad attitudes and hatred for parasites that will do anything for money on reality shows. Everybody who seems to enjoy watching these smoking piles of feces seem quite dandy with the fact that such a thing exists because they feel its normal behavior and not the least bit questionable. Is it any wonder why school shootings are at an all time high? I feel like hopelessness and misanthropy have a lot to do with it.
  13. Well, on the bright side, at least things couldn't get worse for me tonight. If anybody wants to Discord we're playing jackbox games tonight. - https://discord.gg/rsUuj2y
  14. Fuck Donald Trump and all the sadistic bastards that supported that.
  15. It's made more possible by the fact that I live in a shitty manufactured home. *sigh*
  16. If I could climb my roof with the possibility of not falling OFF or THROUGH it I totally would.
  17. The chairman of the board.
  18. Now THAT'S motivation. lol
  19. It was hot as hell most of the day (unseasonable for this time of year) but I didn't really do much today beside chill in my house and eat tacos and ramen. I also napped with the a/c on and woke up a couple hours ago. Now I have the whole night to myself pretty much because the woman has to work tomorrow. Not feeling inspired to play guitar, discord doesn't seem to be happening, but I got a shit ton of classic games I could play. Not sure though, something's telling me that I shouldn't be lazy. What do?
  20. I suppose a better thing I should've said was I CAN be a little over the top....
  21. Funny, I was thinking of the 1992 KWS version of the song when I saw the title of this thread. I think I prefer it more...cus childhood and all.
  22. It is pretty over the top. I can accept it as a valid form of humor.
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