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Everything posted by FreeRoamingVapor

  1. Taking a shit while sliding down a grassy hill on my ass.
  2. Funny enough, I smoke weed nearly everyday and the day I don't have any weird sleep disorder stuff seems to intensify. Withdrawals probably didn't do me any good but its doubtful that it's the root of my issue. Maybe I'm just old and need to consider a healthier way of life? i dunno. lol
  3. I'm very sorry to hear that. All I can say is I hope for nothing but positivity and good fortune in your life.
  4. It seems to be a quite the challenge to maintain, but at least I'm not alone in the matter. What I've been doing basically involves staying up all day until it gets to be a good time to sleep (10:30 - 11 pm). It usually works good for a while but now its like I confused my brain so much that it pretty much tells me to go fuck myself if I want to focus or get anything done. I randomly napped like 3 - 4 times yesterday, maybe 3 hours of uptime until like 5 pm and I woke up at 6 am. ....I think I might need to see a doctor lol
  5. It seems close to 20 years since I regularly and consistently woke up in the morning. I'm in my late 30's and it's really caught up with me. I know I've had sleep apnea for a number of years that went undiagnosed but now my sleep schedule is so fucked that I can't even stay up during the day without taking a few naps. I've heard some people say it has something to do with circadian rhythm, but when you've had enough sleep the night before usually I am good for the day but lately, not so much. I know there are at least a few night owls in this community, have any of you dealt with any sleep issues, if so, what is your approach to fixing your circadian rhythm?
  6. It was in reference to not only his sense of humor but the last shot at the end with the mop.
  7. Spock is the Attila the hun of comedy.
  8. I'd never go to Ebay for a TV like that. Not because they aren't good or anything, but thrifting is usually a common way to find stuff like that at a decent price, especially where I live.
  9. Dat is cool mang. Super creative.
  10. Thanks, I needed something to make me happy tonight. Puggies are awesome!
  11. I've always had a thing for Dream Trance and early 90s House music. Here's a couple of good examples. Dream Trance: Early 90's House:
  12. The drums in this live version are infectious.
  13. Good n Plentys are great, black licorice I can do with or without, but candy corn will always feel like eating sugar flavored wax.
  14. Hi, o/ I have a disability as well. Though I feel, and have been told, that I am very high functioning. The major issue with that is some people have assumed that I'm virtue seeking if I'm trying to show empathy, or putting on a ruse in order to scam people out of their money for just being who I am. I try to carry on the best way I can but sometimes I'm not so perfect because my fight or flight instinct gets the best of me. I can tell that you seem to have the same problem as I do when it comes to being civil but getting nothing but grief in return. I think that it is the same with a lot of people when it comes to what they belief as opposed to something that needs to be analyzed and understood. They feel so threatened by the fact that they may be wrong about something they will ride their presumptions despite how foolish it makes them look. It certainly doesn't get any better with mob mentality either. It doesn't matter who they are politically, spite and vindictiveness will always find a way in people who are selfish control freaks. As long as you are true to yourself and you come from a place that shows respect and justice for all, you will always be the better person than any political hypocrite.
  15. Food sounds amazing right now. *starving*
  16. 20 dollars is a fair price for old tech like that. Good TVs to keep around for old media, especially light gun games and rare anime.
  17. Current infrequent drinker. Alcoholic fumes tend to be bad for other free roaming clouds around me and for the environment in general. Although every now and again at concerts things are cool and unified, especially the clouds coming off people's heads in the mosh pits.
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