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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Would be way easier to deal with if I could dismiss her as a waste of time and just start hating her. I can't manage to do more than 20 seconds of personally forced disdain. I can't hate her and it's pissing me the fuck off.
  2. This is for a friend of a friend whose family lost their home due to Israel's bombings. I don't personally know her, but I don't think I've shared it enough. https://www.gofundme.com/f/4eman?lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
  3. Been stuck in a crossroad of not knowing whether I'm on some spiritual separation ritual with a soulmate or if she ghosted me. Ongoing for about 2 years. Appears to be ghosted. I'm cursed.
  4. Hang on, I gotta check his Wiki.
  5. Watch Fate/Zero first. Then finish with Fate/Zero. Problem solved.
  6. .......... Why a blender?
  7. How much ball sweat do you need to be sure it won't dry in a couple centuries?
  8. If that's the "if" we have to hedge our bets on, I don't know how I could justify not counting it out.
  9. Humpback swallows a boatload of seamen.
  10. I guess I'm not entirely sure I understand why resigning is to avoid career suicide. Like, we're watching it happen like an uncomfortably real reality show. If they're fired for resistance, it's going to be national news as to why. I'd rather have someone refusing to take unreasonable orders in for as long as possible.
  11. Are they not allowed to say "no" or something? What does resigning do other than give room for another hack to be brought in?
  12. It's hilarious that this thread is basically no longer relevant since the Trump administration thread is all Trump being publicly humiliated as he gets shown up by the most embarrassing man alive.
  13. The only adult in the room........
  14. I knew a guy who would order fries without salt at Wendy's. Then he'd use salt packets on his fries.
  15. Why did you unleash that atrocity of a response on us? What did we do to deserve whatever the fuck that was?
  16. I don't know how to get myself to strt looking for work even though I need money. The search is draining, having a job is draining, and I've been running at like 5% for years, then last year ended on a series of the worst notes it could have. I don't feel physically capable of upholding my responsibilities any more, even though I probably am and definitely need to.
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