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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. He can do better, anyway. Like Ric.
  2. Faces of Evil, Wand of Gamelom, and Zelda's Adventure were better.
  3. I use mobile, but don't trust you with tampering with any of this, Breaks McSite.
  4. Tic's still thirsty for the fuggpop.
  5. naraku360 +999999999999999999999999999^999999999999
  6. That's pretty Bucket-y, but it's doubtful he'd be able to reach a roadside given the whole needing to fit through the front door thing.
  7. You spent the first day of work like a real geek! >
  8. naraku360


    Shut up viper
  9. Is Adventure Time still considered good? I mean, they dragged it out much too long, imo.
  10. You gonna get beat up and fired on your first day.
  11. You could bring her with you and leave her in the living room while your "friend" gets to "hang out inside of mommy." When she asks what you mean, put your hand on her shoulder, look her in the eyes, snd say, "you'll understand when you're older." Then you put a bunch of red stains on your clothes and face, like ketchup or red food dye, and make sure she never sees any reference of him ever again. Tell her to never mention what she saw to anyone. She'll never know it was sex.
  12. Didn't fuggs, of all people, get her prize for being the biggest monstrosity?
  13. GSN makes awful threads, too.
  14. So it won't change anything for fuggs?
  15. Then she's like, "What's a 'Zenigundumb'?" Then by the end of the next day the whole school calls you Zenigundumb.
  16. Being Viper.....
  17. It'd be funny if he ends up teaching a class with one of the girls he pestered on OKC and she recognizes him, then she shows all her friends his angry messages.
  18. You should write this. Do it.
  19. You precious little retard.
  20. So your point is "he made fun of me on a message board, so I hope his life goes to hell" or something? I'd tell you to stop being a massive cunt if your insults weren't such an amusing display of what adulthood would look like for children who never grew out of eating paste.
  21. lol at "him" for thinking a name change will somehow change anything other than the name. And how do you know how frequently "he" receives messages when Buddy's screen cap only showed 1 date? :fap:
  22. Well.... HxH is superior to Unicorn, so..... ::HMM::
  23. Does he think changing his name somehow stops people from bookmarking the url?
  24. His pillow doesn't have a massive gaping vaginer for a space shuttle to get lost in.
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