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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Yeah..... you really aren't.
  2. I don't hear any denial that you're a bum of the feces eating variety.
  3. Sorry to hear that. : (
  4. Don't lie. I'd let people :fap: in my house.
  5. One in 8 butts has just farted. Follow your nose, where ever it goes.
  6. If a retarded bum tells bad jokes while smoking "odorless" cigarettes and eating literal feces, will his name always be Daniel Semps- "Packard"?
  7. You could just not do that.
  8. naraku360


  9. naraku360


    Not. Enough. NIPPLES!
  10. A level of intimacy you've never achieved? So it's a scene with intimacy?
  11. What does a dead person sound like? Is it just the sound of silence?
  12. I've never met a hotel clerk that deals with "such shit on a daily basis". I don't even know what hotel clerks you're referring to. Give us scientific evidence from a peer-reviewed journal that proves cigarette smoke is odorless. I don't give a flying fuck about your imagined piece of shit hotel clerk.
  13. fuggs is jelly as fuck.
  14. Stop posting retarded shit like this, you fart-licking sack of stupid.
  15. You know neither result has a date on it, right? How do you know which is more recent?
  16. Those... Those are different people, you fucking dumbass.
  17. For fucks sake, you blathering retard. First Google result of the picture lists it as an Atlantic City location. http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/3330-Providence-Ct_Atlantic-City_NJ_08401_M64784-16585
  18. Oh, it's definitely you. Nobody but you write poetry this shitty. http://www.poetry.com/historical_poems/5404219 And this was the second result for a Google search of the name: https://www.instantcheckmate.com/people/daniel-sempsey/ First person on the list (of 2) is Atlantic City.
  19. Aw, Packard's trying to rent out one of the rooms in his apartment.
  20. Shut the fuck up, you retarded cunt.
  21. You should go to a Shutting the Fuck Up Center.
  22. Zenigundam, expert at
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