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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Are you arguing climate change doesn't exist because it's not constantly hot everywhere all the time? whut I can't tell if you're trolling or brain numbingly stupid. Unfortunately, with your consistent stream of dumb over all these years, I'm genuinely tempted to go with brain numbing stupidity.
  2. By the way, earlier today I walked passed a complete stranger. Don't even know if I've seen them before since I only saw their back, but literally no detail beyond that they had a black shirt on. I was mostly looking at the floor, and only briefly caught sight of them through peripherals. Smelled cigarette smoke. Been by that part of the store countless times, don't smell anything. If I go back over there now, no smell. Just a random person I didn't really even look at. Why did I smell an odor that doesn't exist?
  3. None of those can get stains ever!
  4. This just reeks of deflection. Almost like you know there's no pro-climate change conspiracy, but are too much of a spineless bitch to admit defeat.
  5. And how could smoke possibly do the same thing without the droplets?!
  6. You haven't backed up your conspiracy with citations, bitch.
  7. I guess they never taught you that water is solid particles. How could it soak into also solid particles of a paper towel? Clearly impossible. Must be magic.
  8. That's not evidence. That's an assumption. Give me evidence, you smelly rat-infested cunt.
  9. Then why did they bribe scientists to deny climate change? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/feb/21/climate-change-denier-willie-soon-funded-energy-industry Now, where's your evidence?
  10. Except Ghost Pepper tastes infinitely better than habanero. I could never dream of eating pure ghost or even havanero, but ghost sauces are consistently the tastier of the 2. Habanero is all spice, no flavor. Ghost has an almost fruit flavor on top of being spicy. Can't imagine it going to well with chili, though.
  11. That didn't answer the question, Kenworthless. Corrupt government officials have a hand in the oil industry. Oil industry is opposed to climate change existing as it males them look bad. So, again, your assessment makes no sense. They get more power by supporting oil.
  12. Come on, Kenworthless. Prove there's brobery involved in global warming research. Hey, I'll make this easier: who would even profit from bribing scientists to be pro-climate change? It certainly wouldn't be the oil industry, by the way. Global warming from CO2 emissions makes them look so bad they're more likely to bribe in the opposite direction, which - unlike your conspiratorial anti-climate change rhetoric - has actually been found to have happened. So, who is it that profits from global warming?
  13. Technically yes, humans are mammals. But I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, nor does it somehow prove you have any capacity to get laid.
  14. I suppose by this logic you'll never find out how gay you are.
  15. Prove it. Give me evidence.
  16. [Youtube]
  17. That's not what they do. Only a few scientists predicted an ice age, who were found to have used faulty data. The majority redacted the claim. However, the overwhelming majority of scientists in the '70s predicted a rise in temperature, not a decline, and that assessment has been correct. Either way, scientists are able to make mistakes. The point of a scientist isn't to already know everything. The point is to research and discover, then report the discovery. And they don't use 5-minute intervals to determine global warming. That's what you would probably do because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. They use global data year-round to determine yearly averages and use literal decades worth of data to track the increase or decline. A 5-minute spike, as you put it, is completely irrelevant and if you knew what you were talking about, it wouldn't be something you'd bother bringing up.
  18. Why are you such an insufferable retard? Just becayse your dumbass disagrees with factually proven research doesn't mean the research is wrong. The simple fact of the matter is, science says climate change is happening. Your shiteating "uh, but it's cold today" makes you look like a colossal idiot, not an astute genius - because climate change accounts for the natural cycle of heating and cooling, but the average high has increased dramatically in direct correlation to manmade CO2 output. Clapping your hands together an drooling all over yourself while saying it's not true holds no weight against the overwhelming scientific evidence from countless well-educated, well-researched sources from professionals in the field. An incredulously stupud, paint-huffing alcoholic janitor who denies the existence of cigarette smoke odor and cites bar patrons is a farcry from a reliable source
  19. Miniature condom: $1 Cable service to watch shitty anime like DBZ: $80 Felony charge for child porn possession: $250,000 Getting to beat the living shit out of Zeni: Priceless
  20. Where is your evidence of cherrypicking? A guy who wet his pants onto your casino carpet last week?
  21. I'm afraid anecdotal evidence is not an accepted form of argumentative discourse.
  22. How many people do you have to make up before you realize your little pretend misadventures really don't stack up to anything and nobody buys it?
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