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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. Nice play, nabs...You gonna get it to 500 so you can post in DF
  2. Demolish and tell the union to fuck you over because neither side likes you.
  3. I had to save it to upload it....I'll compress it a bit if I ever use it again...I hate bulky pics.
  4. Congrats....I'm almost buying it.
  5. dumbass
  6. Meh, it's not like it's a troll....You are just bringing the ladies in to get their licks in....Everyone has been waiting on this, no reason to pad it.
  7. And that's just the alcohol...As Andre3000 said, I done bumped every hole in the wall y'all.
  8. I mean, I got at least 10 years on Zeni and I know his 24-20 ozers couldn't fuck with the 30 packs I bought daily, and I never even saw him touch liquor, so I just couldn't buy he drank himself to this point unless there was another underlying issue. The Crypt keeper pics....I mean, ya boy could be on that shit. opiates, meth, othe home manufactured drugs....That appearance is indicative of a lot. I too have pic from hospitals....Sometimes it was me, sometimes it was someone else....Not hard to get those......And for some reason, I think his mom is a nurse but that might be WAY off....I just seem to recall that coming up over the last decade or so. Either way, I win....If he's not dead, troll successful....If he is, then the rest of you won't blame me for his return.
  9. Never heard this one, but it's quite epic.
  10. 88 Grand Am 89 Tempo 93 Delta 88 87 Caprice Classic 92 Mustang 2005 Mazda 626 (Only new car I've ever bought) 83 Tornada (I think that's what it was called...It was a monster. Cousin gave it to me. 90 Nissan Maxima Mini van (I don't even remember the model) 88 Cadillac Deville 90 Altima 2015 Soul 2002 Crown Vic 2015 Escalade 2008 Envoy.
  11. How terrible do you have to be to make a thread, then have to tag people to come post in it that you hope wanna talk about whatever thing you're on about instead of troll you mercilessly..
  12. Yes...Sometimes I'm in BFE with no wifi and the radio is the only thing that'll make noise.
  13. Bro, do you know how delicately you have to stroke the search function to find a Ghostrek thread...... I was lucky he broke character one of the many times he's made it
  14. Fresh new content, coming your way.
  15. Not if you're a bottom......And, I mean....C'mon.
  16. wide left
  17. My ace in the hole if i ever need him.
  18. Sounds like you wanna huff fecal matter for a living then....Not sure what I can do to help..... I mean, there is porn you can get into where you get to sniff shit all the time....You refuse to apply yourself and I'm fucking sick of it.
  19. HBD kiddo
  20. I had nightmares from Castlevania.
  21. She presented her asshole to men.....You can do the same, if you desire.
  22. Do you mean rape....Because this sounds like you mean rape. If you don't correct it, I'm just going to assume you're a potential rapist on top of everything else I've seen you admit to.
  23. I thought that at first too, but I have this thing now where I refuse to acknowledge his joke on purpose because I was falling for them habitually.....I wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction, so I stayed on topic....Now I think this thread really was just about Mad Max
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