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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. A fucking 2008 SINGLEPLAYER GAME will not run - - NOT BECAUSE OF SYSTEM SPECS - - because of a forced integrated ”launcher” and emphasis on online multiplayer barely (if at all) supported anymore. They even made me log in to my Social Club account that I haven’t used in 8 fucking years. Just to play a 2008 game, that failed to work anyway. I’ve heard bad things about the PC version but holy fucking shit why wasn’t this ever a lawsuit of any kind?
  2. Slow-cooked some meat. Pretty much exhausted from it but the essence is still there. I can feel it in my fucking eyes like glaucoma.
  3. The same audience that abandoned an unfunny Simpsons for Family Guy listened to this track and collectively told Seth to eat shit.
  4. My cultural background always granted me to celebrate on “the day before” but everyone knew I was atheist even when shutting the fuck up and holding my tongue certain years when I was available. I can say it’s not just an American thing to hold up false beliefs for appearance sake because I don’t think my folks really believed any of that bullshit either. I haven’t seen a single Sciencemas joke this year which is kinda nice. As if your Jesus gives a fuck what kind of toys you get. Your god stood idly by as your diabetic aunt coughed up some blood on the hospital bed, but it was so important for him to see you unwrap your new socks and some Reece’s Pieces in those fun little cylinder containers.
  5. Trey & Matt (mostly Trey) took those comparisons during their feud so hurtfully that it was actively changing South Park’s humor and writing. There was a one second McCain/Palin gag Family Guy did that annoyed Trey so much, he made the Obama episode an Ocean’s Eleven parody out of spite. They really just took a giant shit on the Writer’s Strike because Seth was vocal and supportive about it. But what you’re talking about specifically... Family Guy would implode at the idea of a set of people just being normal. South Park after so many years had to incorporate that in more. Not out of any decency - - just to make themselves look less stupid. Late ‘00s South Park isn’t my favorite by any stretch. I’m more inclined to criticize it separately, but I go back and I see a show genuinely trying its damndest not to be its competition.
  6. A Very Special Family Guy Freakin’ Christmas An Xmas Story/A Tale of Two Santas And now I go off the grid.
  7. The Unbearable Blindness of Laying/Pretty, Pretty Dresses
  8. Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson!
  9. T kicking the shit outta Jackie Jr gets me excited every year. A season airing on ‘95 HBO would’ve been badass.
  10. Bully, Chapter III: “Love Makes The World Go Around”
  11. A Huey Freeman Christmas
  12. You ask for help, and I’ll help you. No problem. But you deliberately yell at me before anything’s even started, making a scene in your own neighborhood to make me look bad, and I’m supposed to be fine with that. Obviously don’t want you to do any of the things I told you to do to yourself... but I said it. Gotta stand tall by my words when yours mean nothing.
  13. I don’t see how Family Guy compilations on YT can be that addicting. You can’t visually tell a 2024 episode apart from a 2011 episode. The HD era show is animated in such a bland way that it strains my retinas if I watch for more than an hour.
  14. Remember when they just had those lobster tanks?
  15. Eight years willing to spend on that. Anything but actually making the store decent or sustainable to humans. The last time I shopped there was hell I’d wish on no one. Like there’s zero chance of you getting out of there alive. Fuck the idea of ever working for them.
  16. "While we don't talk about the specifics of our security measures, we are always looking at new and innovative technology used across the retail industry.”
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