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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. I just said “screw it” and rambled over the phone like a random character instead. I feel sorry for whoever had to listen to that mess.
  2. I wonder if his email inbox ping’d those PMs of me calling him a bitch and he just can’t respond to it.
  3. Happy birthday Katt!!!
  4. Checkered’s probably being axed around March-May at the soonest if they’re eager to get rid of it. I guess a little over a year of that block silently existing isn’t so bad. Lazzo would’ve never allowed it to happen.
  5. It’s hip to be square.
  6. You mean we haven’t encountered enough bloodshed already?
  7. FOX possessing any sheer fragment or marble of probity before I die?
  8. I’m not materialistic, you’re just whiney because you could drop dead tomorrow and it wouldn’t matter because you don’t have shit to your name and you live like a fucking cockroach.
  9. He’s saying your retirement doesn’t amount to shit if you’ve just been a cheap bum fuck your entire life.
  10. That’s you in the gif, that’s why I love posting it so much.
  11. So you’re okay with that trucker having to spend 500 dollars out of his own pocket during that haul to Arkansas as you are with the electric company doubling your bill for the same number of kwh. What do you call it when the broker scrapes a sample of the metal onto a stone like pad and then swabs the pad with a chemical that changes color according to the type of metal it is?
  12. Get ya bitch ass whooped by the moderators on the daily.
  13. Underestimating how much toilet paper you have, and then, POOF, it’s all gone.
  14. hoooooooo boy. There’s going to be a whole lot of hooooo boy. There’s gonna be a whole lot of hooooooo boy. There’s gonna be a whole lot of hooooooo boy. And then ‘POOF’ The dick in muh hooooo boy is all gone. There’s gonna be a whole lot of hooooooo boy And you’re never gonna figure it out, you’re never gonna figure it out LOL. Mannnnnnn, the dick in muh hooooooo boy is sooooooooo hilarious right now I’m just laughing so damn hard at this political moment.
  15. Shitty teeth. No dental care? Just wanted to nibble on some copper?
  16. It’s just night and day how automated everything is now compared to the first 5 years of AS alone. There used to be individuality with the channels and now it’s all the sloggiest blank slate. It’s like Idiocracy or some satire showing you how soulless cable is, only Ai excels that. Commericals have always been terrible, but now every organism exists to be an ad and it couldn’t be any more void of human life.
  17. Jesus Christ, TV is so dead.
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