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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. It’s a glitch if I don’t understand it!
  2. Now make a TED Talk about turning a doorknob.
  3. The story of N.W.A. is less unfortunate when you take into account that they all simultaneously made better shit when they were split up. And as high as I’d rank Eazy, people would’ve turned against him as far back as early 2000s if he was still around.
  4. Upon reflection I’m probably not gonna 100% III on PC, but I’ve already finished enough side stuff on there than I ever would’ve even attempted on console. Basically everything they’ve always warned you about Portland early on I’ve already ironed out, so the challenge’s pretty much done to me.
  5. Better turn on the local news on the other side of the world to hear about 3 stabbings in New York.
  6. Port shouldn’t be as expensive as it is, but fuck, man. WHAT A STEAL.
  7. Sorry I didn’t make my 10th ai image of Trump eating a turkey leg while riding an ostrich.
  8. A-do-do-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doot do-doot...do-doot..doot ...... Flush Awoohwuh-WAWAWAWAWAWAHH
  9. I bought my 4th lottery ticket in a row instead of making something on what was sadly obvious 40 miles away. Whatever. Didn’t watch it.
  10. The cellphones and videos floating around seem obnoxious (“while we’re in here, seriously?”) but it’s also just... why do I have to pay you for this shit? Not only that, why do I have to put my name down, for you? I mean, that’s exactly what I wanna do, apparently. Pay monthly for simple self reflection in a place so musty that you can’t tell when there’s a straight up fucking carcass in the back.
  11. Gyms do not need memberships.
  12. Elizabeth Len and other members noticed a bad smell in the building near the tanning rooms. “The tanning bed has a door, I believe, but still, why are we not concerned that the tanning bed has been closed for three days, potentially?”
  13. Surprising Viacom didn’t try that with Adventure Time’s shitty Nick pilot.
  14. The only thing that’s stopped me from deactivating Twitter outright is me wanting to mass download some of my old videos, which is a bitch to do with their search engine and when I’m working on a video project. Besides that, it’s been over two years without me really ever having to use it. This is the only site I need if any.
  15. Because one turkey day isn’t enough.
  16. Sopranos seasons 1. Season Two 2. Season Five 3. Season Three 4. Season Four 5. Season Seven 6. Season One 7. Season Six
  17. Just enough to lather onto Gemini’s ass.
  18. Regarding an unofficial release today. If you can’t get that one guy you know from Penn Station to record some shitty lines for you naturally, just omit voiceover from your project entirely. Stop. Fucking. Using. Ai. Typically with the fan stuff, the sub/script itself is almost always noob commenter level shit anyway. But at least you get the gist and it doesn’t make whatever you’re doing instantly unlistenable.
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