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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. Then petition the network to rename the show to "We Bare Chloe".
  2. https://www.gamnesia.com/news/wii-u-owners-will-be-able-to-buy-pokemon-snap-tomorrow The console itself is expected to go defunct soon.
  3. Poof was to FOP what Gazoo was to Flintstones.
  4. Mina probably got rejected due to right issues since it aired on both Time Warner's WAC and Viacom's Oh Yeah!. Plus, look at it this way. Those shorts at least inspired a certain other show on CN about children playing with a scary being. And Chalk-Zone got a show too and FOP is way better than that show, IMO.
  5. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Kl8VSdu_PJU/hqdefault.jpg
  6. *Passes gas* Out with the old, in with the new. Literally.
  7. Everybody wants to be Winx Club.
  8. I do. I just never played with them. They did not seem like my kind of toy.
  9. Yes, people die all of the time, but not usually one after another in a line in heaven like this year.
  10. He is gonna get impeached. He already pissed off a high ranking Congress member.
  11. He is not going to do shit, Mochi. He's too much of a coward.
  12. Nobody likes having to bury their own children.
  13. Are you that scared of Trump, Mochi? Because if he fucks with me, I'll knock that ridiculous haircut right off of his head.
  14. At least she gets to be with her daughter now.
  15. Shaving your ass>Shaving your dick.
  16. It does not help that he is both being trusted with weapons and siding with our enemies in Russia.
  17. 2016 has been one fucked up year. Does this mean Peter's boss will be written or killed off like they do in Simpsons or will she just be recast?
  18. What else can be done to a dying forum but put it out of it's misery? After all, no conversation at all is better than hurtful, immature, unintelligent conversation.
  19. Chloe is indeed a political stereotype. Nick is really hellbent on making their own real life commentary through their cartoons, like The Loud House with their LGBT/Interracial couple.
  20. It's the Poochie/New Slurm strategy. They add a new character to revitalize the series so that when people hate the character, they will end up appreciating the classic show more.
  21. The list of dead celebrities is quite big, like Gene Wilder, Jack Riley, Abe Vigoda, Prince, David Bowie, George Micheal, Dorris Roberts. And there's also the political crap. It goes without saying, but this has been one shitty year. The sooner it ends, the better.
  22. They aren't even showing The Grinch today. Even for Christmas, it's always nothing but Teen Titans Go!.
  23. Stocking stuffers: 8th Season of Big Bang Theory, Pokemon The First Movie on DVD, the latest Kirby game for the 3DS, some sweaters and 20 bucks.
  24. It was Nick's version of What A Cartoon/Liquid Television where they showcased all of these different cartoons from different creators. And just like WAC begat Dexter's Lab/Johnny Bravo/Courage/Cow and Chicken/PPG (And by extension FG) and Liquid Television begat Beavis and Butthead and Aeon Flux, Oh Yeah! begat Fairly Oddparents/Chalk-Zone/My Life As A Teenage Robot. And man, where those cartoons a different viewing experience.
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