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Everything posted by Neko

  1. May the liquor gods smile down on us all...
  2. I don't think you wanna do that bob.
  3. Not often. Overdue to take out my IUD...Haven't seen one in a very long time.
  4. Three and 4 are outright outrageous...otherwise. Kuro_anon is my skype.
  5. Scrots.
  6. Neko

    Oh hey

    Pissing in the wind...
  7. Good old northern stereotypes...
  8. Dogs...I don't think my cats approve. He looks like he just want to ask wat up with you?
  9. Please post. I'm itching to read about people and you all are an eclectic group of people. Make it however you would like.
  10. Write one page to sum up your life. Post away.
  11. Neko

    Secret Santa

    So, who wants to do this...we have an amazon wish list up here..
  12. Neko

    New York

    Been a long time since I've been to New York. Recently been to NJ though...don't see how NY could be any more worse.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/MSZPSYHYABZL Post here folks your Amazon wish lists. This is for you folks who have something specific but not specific in mind. Be nice and get something nice for others. I get paid next week so randomly I'll see who gets what. Put something funny, I like funny gifts!
  14. Neko

    Small Talk

    I talk too much to myself. I thunk too much till the point I couldn't sleep. As far as I could tell. As far as I could tell, I had a problem with conversation. I just looked and observed mainly till I put in my 2 cents.
  15. I actually had some very pleasurable poops before. Don't miss the cramps ones but the pleasurable ones are very great.
  16. High chances...very high chances...wanna go out? Muhuhahahaha
  17. Welp. I'm taking my taxes and catching up on bills.
  18. That sucks. He will be missed.
  19. Haven't in a while. Been seeing some very unsexy imagery and it just turns me off. Kinda don't have much material to far to and even then I could relate to it. .but NONE of the shit lately had been motivational except a few exceptionally sexy gentlemen that I talk to. I'm good though. Missing a piece to my vibe, anyone wanna get it for me?
  20. Cool here. Looks like it needs to warm up.
  21. Yea, I remember that.
  22. That and cinnamon...it's very nice.
  23. Neko

    Roll Call

    Neko. 06/13/03
  24. I can. Costs more. Just don't feel like I need to when I'm always at work now.
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