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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Nope. Not this year...kinda depressing.
  2. Correct. That is the absolute limit
  3. Due to a global inflation...y'all can spend as much as what $35.99 can get ya!!!
  4. So here we go! Bitch, you know what time it is and you know you want it, this year is hotter fresher and more depressing! We're going to have a $35.99 limit. This is secret santa and completely random, I have no control over who get paired but I can do a second drawing for those who are pissy pants. Post yer name and I could put ya in a random name generating machine and see if you pair up with someone early enough to exchange information and get each other gifts. Plan is to get a list going by wtf ever. SERIOUS players only. I promise you death by snuff snuff if you reneg. NO creepy shit. Don't go to anyone houses and please do not give out anyone's information. For what it is worth, use a post office and a wishlist to keep anonymity. Also you can use board names although I have ran into issues with some post offices wanting to have real names so that it can coincide with an ID. However you want to do it with your partner, do it...just remember to use protection. That part is most important this year. Try to use a gift list this year to reduce chances of transmitting covid, RSV, infuenza...etc One gift idea is to post your amazon gift list, or just ignore it and go with your gut instinct. Neko's Master plan...i mean Amazon wishlist 'tis the season! Happy Thanksgivingmas! Paypal is useful. So are lists. Please exchange information wisely. As always safety first so no weird stalkerish shit. Please be nice. It's about as safe as having a penpal so if you are comfortable with that, you should be good. Please no dirty underwear in mail! Gag gifts are ok as long as you both are on the same page about it. Nothing unsafe, biohazard, harmful or of memetic descriptions. Manboobs.
  5. So he's gone and I have to move. His stuff is out and I'm mad. I have to move because he gave out my address out to many people. Many people that he did not know. Many people that are into stuff that could get him and me in trouble....
  6. Rules? There were rules? Lol. Do what you have to to get more participation. I can say that I've been with some of you guys almost 20 years so seeing a hammer is a bit weird. Hoping to see more nudes and ducks. Cheers you glorious deginerant fuckers!... ....and I really mean ducks.
  7. IB shit.
  8. Imma need pics.
  9. Damn guy. I reckon you did good son
  10. I love buttercream...big tiddys gets 5 buttercream cupcakes
  11. Whipped icing?
  12. It's insane I hung around IB more than anywhere else. I think babbling was first though, then incoherent babbling. Incoherent fit my mindset, not serious with occasional trolling. I stopped by rants...a few buttholes and bad trolling, not bad but not good. The topics where sloppy and there was no rhthym. Babbling was well...babbling. pod 6. Cool kids club, whatever. People went there to die on a hill of hubris. The gossip was juicy though. I found that it was a leaky sieve of information if you look through the right threads. I never thought to share myself much there. I felt as though it would have been too high risk of losing my job or maybe marriage...idk. The rest of the boards. Meh...it was ok.
  13. Not really. If I died or something I might swing by a few people's Facebook. Not much else might happen....
  14. Wasn't much to it....angles
  15. Sup kagome naked. Happy birf year
  16. I remember the back scrubber...not sure about the other thing.
  17. Happy birthday!!!!
  18. Thanks boos. I worked all yesterday and was up @ 330am till around 5:30pm working.
  19. I have a chance!!!
  20. Your sister is win!
  21. Happy 29th of December!
  22. Shit I'm waiting for the bubonic plague to make a greatest hit return by this point.
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