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Everything posted by Toonamiguy321

  1. A 24 hour gap between the release and the Toonami run is probably the absolute best case scenario for us at this stage. And now that Hulu has put out their statement, Toonami should be able to put one out by the end of the week, assuming they have it of course. Unfortunately though, that nice 24 hour gap wouldn’t last, cause you just know they are going to waste our time with a thanksgiving marathon and throw the whole system off only a few weeks deep into it.
  2. Airing Primal reruns in the lead slot was one of the biggest mistakes they ever did. And it was a mistake because those reruns did GOOD. We got through the entire summer with a halfway decent lead in, then we fire up an original and everything tanks. There’s no argument on what the problem is. I don’t think we are quite Chiller tier yet. I’m pretty sure they had some examples at 4 digits.
  3. This is a good outcome. People may not like when a news source spreads a sensationalist headline, but getting everyone in a huge panic is often the only way to get some official communication. Now we wait and see if they can actually deliver on “30 and thriving” because their slate of content right now is still pretty subpar. Their 30th anniversary schedule was the first time in a long time the network was actually watchable. It’s still doing OK for Halloween since Courage is still on, but I do fear they will slide back into their old ways soon.
  4. I saw it quite a lot of discussion when the event was live and a few weeks after. There’s really only so much to talk about on the topic so it falling off and becoming the new normal isn’t too surprising. If they crew ever wants to get people talking about it again they can always introduce a new room or something. But with the tight budget, I don’t think we will ever venture outside of the elevator/hallway/main deck.
  5. I agree with you, I find the One Piece and Naruto bumps pretty grating. The song clip they use for OP is nails on a chalkboard at this point. But I think the reason we feel that way is the damn things haven’t changed since January. I don’t remember feeling that way about them in January. I agree bumps should stay relevant to the current events in the show, but I caution with that mindset, the Naruto bumps are actually exactly at the point in the story we are because of all the damn filler. With how sparse pickups seem to be going forward, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for the good old days of refreshing the bumps with every new pickup. My 4 month suggestion above was with a mindset of the block shifting content much more often as we did pre 2020. Those days are done. I know we did get the total location/package reset in March, but Demarco was pretty clear that took a minor miracle to pull together and not to expect anything like that anytime soon going forward. And really, I have no issue with the setting or packaging, the stagnant bumps are my only complaint. As for scene selection, that’s always been a little hit and miss for me. For some reason, they are willing to look 20+ episodes ahead on Naruto when choosing scenes, but every other show it seems like they won’t venture outside of episode 1. That wouldn’t be a huge deal if we had periodic full block refreshes, but without them we end up with situations like now where we are about to air the last episode of Lupin while still running scenes from episode 0. Makes the bumps feel kinda pointless.
  6. I actually thought the two sets of bumps idea was a good one. I think they first did that in response to Naruto having the YOU’RE A FATTY FATSO one for too damn long every single week. If they had a kinda obnoxious one you didn’t see it weekly at least. And these days, with how often they double up shows, having an extra set of bumps on deck saves them a lot of rushed efforts on weeks they do that. But if that system is making it so they can’t update the bumps at all, by all means go back to the old way. IMO we should have a refresh every 4 months minimum. That’s three times a year, I don’t think that’s asking for too much. It would also be nice if the people on bump writing duty actually watched the shows and didn’t fill the bumps with soon to be dated references or outright mistakes. In the current pool, here’s the ones I noticed. 1. TOM and Sara talk about Setsuna being dead. Never should have been a bump as it was out of date after the first episode 2. TOM pronounces Moroha and Setsuna incorrectly. This one is on Blum, not the bump writers 3. “Devil Fruit sure is tasty!” No TOM, it’s explicitly stated that they taste terrible 4. “Let’s board the Merry go round!” Come on Sara, that wasn’t even the name of the old ship, which they sent off in the episodes Toonami aired many years ago 5. TOM talks about all the treasures in London Lupin will steal even though we left London 12 weeks ago Take me back to the days of the meme ones like Tomsaiga
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  8. I know they would never do it, I just wish they would. Fans have been getting smarter, we already see people calling a repeat of last fall. Might they be wrong? Boy I sure hope so but I’m not optimistic. The point being, posting week to week stall schedules is the exact same thing as just telling us nothing is coming. We aren’t dumb, we can put the pieces together. Every stall schedule contributes to the Toonami is doomed fire. I will give them credit on one thing, unlike last year, they aren’t making us wait with bated breath till the very last second to reveal nothing. They fed us the rest of October pretty close to the start of the month, and to my point, knowing well ahead of time they have nothing takes a lot of the frustration out over them cutting it down to the wire which gives a false hope the are hammering something out. I do agree about block length. I would think at the very least, they would trim off the rerun hour. That doesn’t help with the acquisition issue, but it does mean 1 hour less of bumps to make which seems to be another trouble factor for them lately. And now with 3 of their originals gone for good, that really sliced into their potential rerun pool. And if down the road Toonami gets back to a healthier place, there’s no reason they can’t tack that hour back on. Right now though? They aren’t in a good place for it. And with both slots emptying out the same night and a schedule to reveal regardless, November would be the perfect time to trim up the schedule.
  9. Man, I had a feeling this episode would dip because it was pretty slow, didn’t expect it to be this bad though. Really bad turn for HCC, this means at least 1/4 of the show did absolutely awful
  10. Honestly if they came out and just said there’s nothing for the rest of the year, I’d be fine with that. I’d be disappointed, sure, but it’s much better to just be told now rather than being strung along for the next few months. Demarco claims that Sentai wouldn’t respond to him, yet for quite a few years Sentai was telling its fans on social media to pester Demarco and Adult Swim to pick up some of their shows. I feel like Demarco wasn’t putting in any effort because Sentai didn’t have any shonen. And isn’t it just fascinating how in 2019 when they needed an emergency pickup, that just so happened to be the time they were able to get Sentai to pick up for Food Wars?
  11. Honest question, why won’t you hold them accountable? Demarco dispelled the rumor that Sentai wasn’t in their corner anymore, so that means they had that pool as well as anything but Bleach to look at from Viz. Last year, they made a commitment to securing varied content to prevent situations like we saw this summer and right now where we have droughts of content. So if a few weeks from now we get the November schedule and there aren’t any new shows on it, the only one to blame is going to be the staff. The singular possible reason that would be out of their hands would be if Discovery isn’t letting them spend money. But there are holes in that argument right out of the gate. 1. We did get Yashahime. There certainly is a possibility that deal was deep in the works prior to Discovery taking control, but that’s a stretch. 2. We have been reassured multiple times by Demarco and other general statements by WBD that Toonami is something they value for their future. If that’s true, there should be money to spend. If there isn’t money to spend, we have been getting the old Zaslav runaround and the block isn’t long for this world regardless of what anyone says or does.
  12. So this ended up being a big fat nothingburger. Every show aired about 1-2 minutes late because of HCC being 25 mins long with a full OP/ED. There was some music thing early in the night but it does not seem to have mattered. I also caught a single ad that repeated 4 times in a row. So uh, thanks for screwing up everyone’s DVRs for nothing AS. Very cool
  13. It’s a bizarre choice on their part to just cut down adtime in response to this. I’d more expect them to put their adspace on a deep discount just to fill it in. Some money is better than no money. It is a little worrisome to see this article and see Toonami is the first place they are cutting ads from. Commercials suck but those are what justify the blocks existence. This is essentially them stating Toonami adspace is worth almost nothing
  14. Between then and the next normal Toonami, that’s pretty much the perfect buffer window we would usually expect for a Toonami run. That would put Toonami behind 3 episodes, a gap that would grow larger as we enter the holiday season. Could Demarco have maybe thrown a miracle together? Now that CR has put out their reveal, Toonami should have the go ahead if they have it. Not getting my expectations too high, but the pieces are there on the board.
  15. Well, that’s a strange experiment. I guess I’m programming the DVR manually this week cause there’s no way it’s going to be able to handle this. I wonder if maybe next week we are going to see the block airing full OPs and EDs all night long. I assume they couldn’t pull that together for tonight, but that’s what the extra time is being set aside for.
  16. The only show Toonami ever secured long term rights to was AoT. Then Funi put an end to those kind of deals because it didn’t benefit them in any way. If those types of deals were still on the table, I’m sure they would have made one for MHA. So if the current season misses the block then we can safely assume stuff like Black Clover, Dr Stone and Fire Force are also off the table for good
  17. Sigh, so it’s going to be just like last year where we get a new schedule almost weekly, not for new shows, but to show us how they will stall that week. I should have known the MiA movie or S2 was setting expectations too high If we anticipate Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years marathons as they usually do, we only have 6-7 normal Toonami nights left after Halloween anyway. They won’t start anything new with that small window
  18. Black Clover is under Crunchyroll now, so we aren’t ever going to see it back on the block. Not that it’s a huge problem right now, I’m sure the movie will push off the next season for at least a year.
  19. Did you miss the news that Disney locked it down? That ship has sailed. If by some miracle they do some acrobatics to get it, I highly doubt the dub would be ready to move out in early November. This is a Viz show, they have never been that fast. In regards to the budget, if Bleach was on their radar earlier in the year, and they now aren’t getting it, they should have a tidy chunk of change to spend on other content.
  20. I thought they were setting us up for MiA S2 when they doubled it up but now it looks like they just did that cause they were forced to pull Black Lotus. What even is there besides that? Everything CR, Funi, and Aniplex is apparently off the table. And for whatever reason they have never wanted to delve into the more niche titles in the Sentai catalog (niche doesn’t mean bad!), and Viz is pretty limited with content. Idk, I don’t have my expectations set too high. Don’t forget, right after Lupin ends, HCC ends the next week. That’s the real question. What’s gonna be our lead show for the foreseeable future?
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