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Everything posted by Farg

  1. My cowboy can’t even get through an evening without his whiskey. Current moderate drinker.
  2. I’m sorry I guess I’ve kinda come out of the closet as of late with drugs. but check this out tsar https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b0iIA5p8swk
  3. I’d like a brompton cocktail. And an Arnold Palmer for chase.
  4. Aggretsuko- 1 & 2
  5. Kurikinton and Olley.. licking and sniffing.
  6. happy bir-r-r-r-r-r-r-thday
  7. And he too returns to ashes
  8. This is bullshit
  9. ….I’m pretty sure you’ve blocked me…Unless my inbox has been compromised…
  10. And then there’s you that replies to me at 5 in the morning right when I wake up from a semi blissful sleep. What investment do you have in my goings on?
  11. It may indeed be an in pass. En passe? Oh who’s motivated enough to google things these days?
  12. Pretty sure I predicted this. That’s so funny being ignored for no reason at all. I guess it’s better than being gangstalked.
  13. Farg


    I just don’t know why I try. I build my idols up into teh sky. You know what gets me in the by and by. It is for you to find out and me to cry! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4T1pRAGitWU
  14. Here’s me being pro satchmo. cous I am pro. And I am a satchmo. Now it is time for to washing my body of foreign agents. It will be a grand time to be had by all…..
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