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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. I think vanilla extract, and chocolate extract are perfectly fine, they even might boost a mood. I love dark chocolate by itself, I can eat an 80 percent cacao chocolate bar myself. Vanilla is very tasty in drink. Sometimes they make them without high sugar content. But I shouldn't be berating you with whats right. Drink what you want.
  2. Take a deep breath. Listen to calming music. Smoke a joint if you have one, remind yourself anxiety is making you think like that. Truth is we can't really know whats in our future, so we constantly worry, but it can affect your goals. Also if you do, try to avoid coffee past 1pm.
  3. It's understandable, Almond or any nut milk tends to good for you, they thing you should look out for is the sugar content in different milks, some tend to be way higher than others.
  4. I used to drink alot of milk in high school, now I try to drink alot of water, but tend to forget too.
  5. My fantasy is where someone loves and cherishes me. And wants to take care of me.
  6. Oooooo or a custom rank! I want a special rank, maybe "Would you kindly" a reference to my favorite game.<3 Another reference from the game as well "No gods or kings, only man" But would you kindly is shorter.
  7. I think our brains react to social media as dopamine boost. Especially when we get likes, kudos or comments in our posts. We then become addicted to it, believe are self worth is decided on the amount of likes we get. Also I believe social forces people into a bubble, we only care if someone is doing well for their life, and usually ignored the depressed individuals. All because we either automatically dismiss them as complainers and use it as an excuse to ignore them. People also have become self adsorb, well I start telling people of my depression, they tend say back, well so I do, suck it up. Honestly, saying suck it up shows ignorance and is the wrong approach to people with chemical imbalances in the brain. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2017/06/30/a-run-down-of-social-medias-effects-on-our-mental-health/#1b55fdc02e5a
  8. I suffer from Insomnia as well. I'd say look at your local target and walmart in the vitamin section. The sell these pills called melatonin that is usually safe for the general public. They basically make you more drowsy. Never mind I see you had tried this before.
  9. Approximately 6 corgis
  10. Demogorgons
  11. Yup which is why I didn't hear anything.
  12. I really wish people studied this era more. I feel it shows what corporations real intentions are, and how the government has denied free of speech and human rights in hopes no one challenges the government.
  13. Well we got a drought here in cali so hoping for it over here. >_>
  14. Will it make you feel better? Can I wear a space helmet?
  15. The sound of threatening people? To ensure the coast is clear.
  16. That's me, I can travel far to gather supplies, makeshift tools, and hunt large game to feast upon.
  17. Well you said a killer recipe, unless you meant literally. They buy brownie mix and add bleach? Please don't do that.
  18. I hear most colleges really look for students who plan to do great things just in the hopes of recieving money back from the alumni.
  19. I think fapping to instagam thots might change your expectations of women later. But I agree with the first sentiment. lol
  20. I was reading about some female anarchists in my Women's history class during the Industrial revolution. It's one of my favorite eras because several workers were interested in socialism but the government took extreme steps to squash union efforts, the sedition acts, even killed leaders. Reading anarchists view points start to make sense when dealing with an oppressive government.
  21. https://www.thrillist.com/recipe/nation/best-pot-brownie-recipe-thrillist-recipes
  22. Its sad people can't get out of their own heads and empathize with others. I wish people saw the selfishness of this.
  23. What about Shame, humanizing the cause and getting people to realized the the people behind the story. Also to get people to realize that instagram is NOT a viable source of news, or memes.
  24. Mines was depressing me, I felt so isolated but idk, the school semester is in swing, helps me concentrate on that more.
  25. Sponge cake and cream.
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