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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Also did you know they voice Jayden Smiths best friends in Neo Yokio, on Netflix
  2. I don't have enough fiances for dlc right now, but I do have Wolfenstein sequel lined up.
  3. Its so cute!
  4. This is news and I"m excited!
  5. Cause I'm planning a trip to Italy soon, round trip tickets were only $500. I'm gonna visit 4 cities Florence being one of them. Its kinda like, hey cheer up, you're gonna travel soon. Also what anime is yours from?
  6. Wolfenstein the New Order. I'm close to the end, but haven't play games since winter break.
  7. I know we used to do these threads but people also update their compooters all the time. Here is mine, its the city of Florence, Italy
  8. Like others have said, Black Mirror, Bojack Horseman, Tiger and bunny anime, There is also this great show, Travels with my father, has alot of british humor and comedian brings his 70 year old father around southeast Asia, only 6 episodes.
  9. Oh may gawd I used religiously watch them on Viceland all the time! Problem is I don't have cable anymore.
  10. Also has said troubling things for before. It starts at 2 minutes in this video.
  11. Awe admin I just want a custom rank, My top choice "Would you kindly"
  12. I'm really hyped for it! I've been taking 4 anthropology classes, currently studying Archaeology this semester!! I'm mainly a history major which of course ties in to understanding the culture that developed these artifacts. Last semester I took a course in Ancient Americas and it was amazing for me, we learned about Native America culture a 1000 years ago, and Mesoamerica cultures in Mexico and and central America along with Andean cultures in South America, some evidence from more than 1000's of years ago. Anyway, from the trailer it looks like it copies the plot from the first remake of the newest series of the game. Tomb Raider in 2013. This was also the first time the character isn't sexualized, which is refreshing to see of female role models, fiction or not. It's all about overcoming challenges in life, and being pushed to your full potential, I loved the game. My favorite trailer is the one where they play a cover of Destiny's Child "Survivor" omg YAAASSS the song starts about 1.01 in the trailer.
  13. But is the data peer reviewed? I hear a lot of archaeologists these days they are sending in not reviewed work just because they want to be the first to discover something. It can also create a lot of inaccuracies.
  14. Yeah me neither and I've been diagnosed with General anxiety disorder. But I definitely avoid coffee before going an a plane. It's one of the most terrifying experiences for me.
  15. The media pisses me off because they are asking the most stupidest questions. They will tell you an emotional story, and literally ask, he what do you think about this? And the jerks put their dumb comments and feel empowered by the likes they get. But not many are telling objective stories and giving facts. But attacking journalists is worst, it limits freedom of speech way more, a free press is eventually helpful for our society. But now you got these stupid "blogs" that pretend to be news sources and people just google the argument they believe is right and use that as validation.
  16. Well considering my last PM, I see people feel easily attacked when you try to tell people the truth. I'm really hoping we have better education for the future, and the young voters show up to the polls.
  17. See you think that would work, but keep forgetting that the LEFT has a bunch of BIASES too. I see it all the time, I see leftists talk about how stupid rednecks who perform incest and are completely ignorant. I think humans shouldn't hold biases like that. There are a lot of states with terrible education censoring. I saw an Arizona book that said the "the Indians just left for the white settlers to they could move in". That is all kinds of l fucked up but of course you got all these agenda pushers decided the education for the people. Progress can be changing educational opportunities perhaps a nation standard not on grades, but the type of material we teach. We should be harrassing our congress members and leaders. I love the protests going on. Historically in the U.S. it takes a long period of years of protest to get things done. If you want to berate someone, make it your senator. Also a glimmer of hope, we recieved more new voters every few years that tend to lead towards progress, and I hear we actually have a bigger population than baby boomers now. The problem is our generation is fucking cynical, they take the easy way and make excuses why not to vote. If you don't like gerrymandering, or even the electoral college, start voting for the right people to get bills passed to get rid of the policies it is possible. There was an alcohol ban that become a constitution amendment, and of course, it was eventually over turn. You can make changes to your government but it requires work, things people don't like.
  18. Pretty much
  19. That bumps you up to Iconic class mang.
  20. I'm a broke student who only got $400 this year.
  21. I sex with another nerd! Car sex is one of my favs, although my partner gets scared that someone will catch. And someone did, when we drove up a hiking trail, we didn't think people will be there, but the cops showed up, they were nice about it, they gave us time to put our clothes back on and let us go. Also one st patty's years ago I was really fucked up on whiskey and got aggressive to give a BJ in the car. Hmm the other great experience was doing it in a Vegas balcony in the strip. Not many hotels have balcony's for the liability reason and alcohol but the Cosmopolitan does, its pretty swanky to get a room there but we went on the off season in winter. We were drunk, felt the wind and especially his warm body, we took it all over the hotel room, the large tub, the closet with a bunch of mirrors and bench in the middle.
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