Dave Chapelle has technically a two hour special because they play back to back.
Not a comedy but a good movie secondhand lions.
Idk, can't think after this.
Do you also count going to the theaters? That seems like a nice option,
Also is bridesmaids on the list, that is one of my favorite comedies, and also Anchorman 2.
Oh I read that post wrong, I'm sorry drunk n all. you DON'T like horror sorry. Hmmm well there is a lot of stand up specials I like on netflix. Also a great new comedy on
Amazon prime is The Big Sick.
I've seen a lot of horror.
Have you seen Cannibal holocaust, or the later inspiration the Green inferno? Also Eli roth's clown?
All hallow's even is quite the experience, it's really cheesy yet still terrifying.