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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Transformers One 9/10 Never really cared much for Transformers. Even the old cartoon, I didn't like all that much when I saw it as a kid, and I loved watching the old Saturday morning cartoons. This movie though was just enormously fun from beginning to end.
  2. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/disease-x-in-congo-revealed-to-be-malaria-authorities-issue-urgent-warning-7283556 "Severe malaria in the form of a respiratory illness" seems to be what they've concluded, so bit of a sigh of relief for the rest of the world that it's not a novel virus with major pandemic potential. Still really serious outbreak for the people over in Congo.
  3. It's actually not at all surprising. Republicans currently control the house; they're going to soon control everything, and A-hole-elect controls them. The current administration hasn't really had any power to legislate for the past couple years. The only reason the democrats have gotten anything they wanted through budgetarily is because of the house republicans' utter dysfunction and reliance on the democrats to pass anything at all. Still, killing this bill and shutting down the government now, right before Christmas, is just an an absolutely hairbrained idea, especially given their margin in the house is going to shrink after Jan 20th and there is no guarantee they'll be able to pass a republican-only supported budget any time soon. And the longer this whole thing drags on, the more likely it'll be to actually stick in people's memory holes. Still, now that the next election is two years away, they probably figure no one will remember this that far down the road. Sad to say, but as most people have the memory of a goldfish, they're probably right about that. Yeah, we're in trouble.
  4. About forty or fifty years behind schedule, but good to see every day's still bringin us yet another step closer to 1984.
  5. Watched the second season of Star Trek Prodigy. Yet more time travel nonsense, and thus unsurprisingly more gigantic plot holes. I really love the characters for this show, and that's the only reason frankly I think I was able to turn a blind eye to the huge missteps with the story and finish it out. At least with the way they ended things it looks like, if they do another season, they'd be going back to regular old space exploration and finally dispense with all the temporal stupidity.
  6. It's raining bears, hallelujah! Seriously though, this guy reap what he sowed in my book. Serves him right
  7. Got a chance to see it, and I thought it was great. If anything surprised me it's how well-grounded the story was. After giving it some thought, I believe I see why it's not doing so hot money-wise though. It's an animated movie sure, but it's not exactly family friendly being that it's, as the title says, about a war and naturally has a lot of violence in it. Given this is the time of year people are looking for family friendly flicks and as has been mentioned there's a couple of those available for people to take the kids to go see right now, not helpful. That still leaves it a natural, though somewhat more niche audience, but then on top of that it's got a basically unknown female lead character which I think unfortunately is a disincentive to a good chunk of the established fandom to give it a chance.
  8. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim 9/10 Really enjoyed that. The animation I thought could have been a little bit better perhaps in some spots, but the story was excellent. I was worried being this was an animated feature they might have been tempted to get a bit too fantastical and introduce elements outside of the established Middle Earth lore. Not at all the case though. If anything, I could see how it was maybe a bit too grounded and perhaps didn't have enough fantasy elements for some people's tastes. Not at all a problem for me though.
  9. I can't believe there's still any place that it's legal indoors. I thought it was banned pretty much everywhere given the studies showing the dangers of second-hand smoke coming out many years ago. That just ca-ca-ca-cray-zee there's somewhere that they're still fighting about this.
  10. Means the rest of their politicians aren't apparently as self-serving and corrupt as their president. Although technically, we succeeded in impeaching both times, just the senate didn't get the supermajority of votes needed to convict. I get that's what you meant though obviously. They still have yet to remove Yoon either however. Unlike here it sounds like it goes to their court system to decide, where they need six votes out of nine to get rid of him. I think I like their system better than ours, although I can't say I'm at all confident the result here would have been any different either time if it went to our Supreme Court instead of the Senate.
  11. Well if that's your speed, then...
  12. I think Krilin, unlike Vegeta, having grown up with Goku since they were youngins is used to always being outmatched by those around him, so he's had to rely on his imagination to come up with more inventive ways of fighting.
  13. Krillin to the rescue with his big ol' bag of tricks. LMAO Giving him the tongue. Oh boy, now he's in for it.
  14. Famous last words. Oh Piccolo... you should really know better than to say something like that.
  15. Sneak attack! About time they got serious and gave Mingo a taste of his own blood. They took so long to start fighting though it's already over now. Really missing double One Piece now.
  16. Just like a true sociopath to think that way. Dude's just rotten to the core.
  17. It's gonna haunt me now, too. I know I've heard it before, or something very similar to it anyhow. First thought was like Donkey Kong, but no that's not it.
  18. LOL This is their crazy version of the sorting hat, huh?
  19. ROFL Suplexed the shit out of her. Mash is an equal opportunity ass kicker. Love it!
  20. Only eight more to go. I think I sense the white flag about to be raised in some record time here.
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