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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Now Vegeta looks like the deer in the headlights. Love that last shot of Frieza with his eyes glowing red. Gulp. Nice knowing you Vegeta.
  2. That's a crazy power. Wonder exactly how it's supposed to work. Do you need to sacrifice someone else's life and give it to someone else? Gotta be a pretty big price to pay or serious drawback to it somehow, otherwise don't see why Law would not want to use it. Anyway, I can't believe it only occured to me now, but I've been wondering for a while why the heart suit was the only one not represented in Flamingo's underlings. But Corazon! Duh! Spanish for heart.
  3. Where's all these animals come from anyway? Some of them were toys I guess, but did they really all come from the arena?
  4. There's never going to be a lasting peace in the middle east, so I just laugh anytime anyone here tries to take credit for making peace over there, particularly when we're the ones supplying most of the bombs and weaponry being used to slaughter people there. The main war might be put on pause, but the underlying behavior fueling the hatred will never go away.
  5. I thought he was just gonna use his fists to open it, so guess I gotta hand it to him for actually using his head a little to think of using a lever. Blew a frickin hole right through the ceiling though. LOL Talk about overkill. That's kind of Mash's middle name though I guess.
  6. "Mash, this is serious." Cream puffs are serious business, Lemon. A good-luck cream puff. And it looks so sad. LMAO
  7. Will always remember him from Major League. He's a big part of what made that one of my favorite sports movies of all time. R.I.P. Mister Baseball. ~tips cap~
  8. Wanna know why the planet's really heating up. It's all the hot air coming out of that clown's mouth. Anyway, watch what they do, not what they say. But yeah, all this expansionist bs is just more catnip for the media to roll with and take attention away from things of actual import that are going on.
  9. Classic step 1 RPG strategy: take out healer.
  10. What a celestial ego. Can't wait to see Luffy stomp his ass.
  11. Noble family my ass. Guy doesn't have a noble bone in his stringy body.
  12. Guess he just found out the hard way that there's always bigger fish in the sea.
  13. These two guys are giving me serious Akatsuki vibes for some reason. Olore's eyes are totally freaky.
  14. Wouldn't be a bad idea though if a zombie apocalypse were to happen. Worked pretty well for The Whisperers from The Walking Dead... for a while. Maybe the orcas sense one coming. Better get the bunker ready.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/09/politics/supreme-court-donald-trump-sentencing/index.html Four justices injustices still voting that Trump can do whatever the hell he wants and not have to face any kind of accountability whatsoever, even when a jury has already found him guilty. The sad thing is that if there's any surprise here, it's that Coney Barret and Roberts didn't join them. Doesn't really matter since we know he's not gonna face any real punishment anyway, but just imagine if he gets the chance to replace any of the four remaining liberal justices. There's some extra nightmare fuel for ya.
  16. Never Let Go 2/10 Worst horror movie I've seen in a long time. Made very little sense, and wasn't really even scary. Joker: Folie a Deux 1/10 As bad as I thought that was, afraid I found this even worse. That was just sooooo boring, I couldn't finish watching it all in one go. In fact, I got so tired of the singing bits I had to fast forward through em all for the second half of the film, cuz I don't think there's any other way I could have finished it. Musical part of it was just totally unnecessary and added zero entertainment value.
  17. Sure, cuz there's no way something like that could ever be manipulated or abused. ::rolls eyes::
  18. Well that ending was not ominous at all. Question is will there even be a season 2 though, or will we just be left wondering what that guy did to Poblana that has her so scared and never get to know the answer?
  19. Perfect strike? More like tornado strike. Literally blew the roof off the place.
  20. 4 on 1. Those seem like terrible odds... for them.
  21. How are those things even supposed to stay on your face, seriously?
  22. Sympathetic backstory. Who would have guessed these guys would have one?
  23. Did the loss to her give him PTSD or something? Wondered what happened to the perms.
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