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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. If anything, I'd say you're not being fearful enough about all the nightmare scenarios this idiocy enables. I'd be shatting my pants but for the misanthrope in me which just loves watching humanity destroy itself. These couple of decisions are basically all about amassing as much power as possible in the court's hands and that of any future Republican president (cuz let's face it, no democratic party president is gonna be the type of person who'd abuse this power, and even if they did the democratic party would turn on them and remove them from office, unlike the members of the republican autocratic party who'd just block any attempt to impeach and convict as they've done twice already). The thing about concentrating a ton of power in one place though is that when you do that... yeah, things tend to go boom.
  2. Well, if there was anyone with any doubt left as to whether this court had become hopelessly corrupt, this ruling should lay that doubt to absolute rest. They're basically spitting on the graves of the founding fathers by doing this. It's bad enough that they delayed this decision to the final day of the term, but no... they had to go even further. Of course they did. SMH
  3. I was afraid that was gonna happen. Robin got toyafied. Damn. Yup, really staring to look like the only possible way to get that grape into her mouth is gonna be by shooting it in from a distance. Luckily they've got a sniper on their side. Not so luckily it's the chicken man, Ussop.
  4. Did he just... dear lord. I know in Walking Dead they mask their scent by smearing walker guts on themsleves, but jumping into a pit of human waste is a bit extreme, even compared to that.
  5. A parent's number-one job: protecting your kids from harm.
  6. Looks like we got some duels heating up. Let the match-ups be set!
  7. Well, that episode explained a lot. Pretty much everything but how they knew exactly where to portal to. Unless I missed something, which wouldn't surprise me.
  8. Why do security guards in TV and movies always leave before their replacement arrives? I mean, makes a lot more sense to not leave until after your replacement arrives, but maybe that's just me.
  9. On the set of a Zombie movie during the start of a Zombie apocalypse. That definitely would be one of the worst places to be when it happens.
  10. No Zod? So it was Kara who was in that big suit that was with Brainiac in that teaser scene at the end of season 1 then I guess. Gotta say they really fooled me, but I'm kind of disappointed. I really wanted it to see Zod. Oh well.
  11. Well, that went totally sideways. I hate to say it, but... gulp. Looks like it's all up to Usopp now. If anyone's gonna get that Tatabasco whatever thing in Sugar's mouth though, he very well could be the one most capable of doing it, given that he could just shoot it in there possibly.
  12. He's gonna do that every time he uses a word that begins with G, isn't he? Quick, somebody hide all the dictionaries from this guy.
  13. Theoretically, Zoro should be able to hurt this guy no matter his form if he uses haki.
  14. I don't honestly remember seeing a single one of them in my entire life before this year. Now it feels like there's an entire colony of them just sitting around my house. They're everywhere now.
  15. When they first showed that notebook on screen, my first thought was "oh boy, is that a Death Note." LOL Turns out I wasn't too far off.
  16. Cicadas. Got'em all over around here right now. Course in Japan they come out like every year, as opposed to once every decade or two.
  17. Trees can sort of communicate and share nutrients with other nearby tress via an underground fungal network actually it turns out.
  18. Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go. Okay, not quite.
  19. Gotta say I did not see any of that coming. Never thought Kara would become a villain, even if only temporary. Hopefully it doesn't take her too long to turn over the light side.
  20. Yeah, he sold the Flame Bird thing to the Planet for like a several million dollars.
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