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Everything posted by pail

  1. I'm only an asshole online. It's just a front. Kinda like Buddy's swag.
  2. It is indeed my birthday.
  3. Now I wish I had enough to grab a tenner... I can only handle muh weeds when I'm drunk or on antianxiety meds because I feel like I'm going to die and start having existential crisis if I blaze exclusively
  4. Rogue sent the post in question to the phantom zone. So, good luck with that.
  5. No. Can I interest you a in spot of klonopin instead?
  6. PB baited me into slanging some spicy bants from 2004 his way and Rogue was like no and bandicked me now I can't even post on my main until after my birthday. Well played PB. You glugjug of cold milky cum.
  7. I've dropped about 15 pounds the past few weeks. Probably just my muscles disintegrating since I'm laying around a lot and haven't changed eating habits significantly. Thought am drinking less sugar bomb coffee energy drinks and packing on less stress weight so eh. 30 more pounds and I'll be just below the reaper's BMI coffin squad.
  8. Obvious troll is obvious.
  9. Well, this is what I ended up with. Now I've already given you fair warning regarding the quality of these, and to simply avoid. I know I ain't no Mozart. I think I could have done better if I weren't so exhausted. iau2.mp3 iau3.mp3 iau4.mp3
  10. IsSo it's been a little bit Well, here is something I hope to share.maybe a few more I am bored so now is a good time, unfortunately I am tired. Tiredness is an obstacle. If you be xhhisekkk I'll look I didn't mean to type that, but scree . Im upload stuff Thanks for listening if you do ifa1.mp3
  11. Lol. Avoid the questions.
  12. What? Should people not be allowed to know what this person has said? Should he be immune from criticism because he made a movie you like? Also, lol @ "fucking losers digging up his past cuz like c'mon it was just a joke" while simultaneously stroking your Trump/Russia boner and drooling over any little transgression people dig up on Trump. "Zomg! He dated a woman and gave her money?!?!!? RACIST! HITLER MISOGYNY RACIST!"
  13. American Horror Story is dickass.
  14. Bum Fights?
  15. Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death.
  16. It's not rated R because the only people who will watch this shit are 13 year old girls. Go get em tiger.
  17. pail


  18. Bucket is so cool what a cool guy Bucket.
  19. I don't trust them for a second. Not that I really care. I gave up on this franchise after Episode VII. Haven't seen Rouge One, Last Jedi or Solo and don't plan on seeing them anytime soon. Not gonna watch "new" Rebels, didn't care about it in the first place. I'm just done with it.
  20. They say they won't do it... ...But I don't believe a word that comes out of the maw of that devil mouse.
  21. They still do those? Is it on Comedy Central? I haven't watched television for a couple years now.
  22. pail

    Firehouse subs

    I don't. I've had them like three times because they're so expensive. More importantly though... The fuck you mean by that?
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